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"don't fall"

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"don't fall"

Jake and Y/n were running through the forest and to Hometree. the two had a busy day of reading the trails, bow training and Pa'li riding.

now, they were just having fun with each other and enjoying each others company.

Jake was running ahead of Y/n, as she was struggling to even see where she was running because of her hair.

the Avatar moved her hair, once again, away from her face and tried to keep up with Jake.

the Na'vi man kept looking back to Y/n, making sure that she's running with him. he noticed that her hair was disturbing her a lot and slowed down a little.

Y/n's hair was in her face again and as she went to move it away, she tripped and let out a small shriek as she fell.

the pair was on a high branch and Y/n was barely able to catch a small branch to stop her from falling.

Jake wasn't looking when she fell so when he heard her shriek, his heartbeat skyrocketed in worry.

he turned around and couldn't see the woman anywhere near. "Y/n?" he called out in worry.

Y/n was about to shout out to him but then she heard the worry in his voice. the Avatar grinned and started climbing to stay hidden.

"Y/n?" Jake tried again and walked closer to where Y/n fell.

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