*.·:·. ⛧ 008 ⛧ .·:·.*

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Y/n jumped with Jake across some branches to land on one of the biggest branch in Hometree. the Avatar breathed heavily as she wasn't exactly used to climbing up the big tree.

she looked out at the scenery and then her curiosity got the best of her. Y/n leaned over the branch a little to see how far they were from ground.

"oh, god." Y/n whispered to herself and leaned back.

Y/n's attention was brought back to Jake as he imitated a bird call. he did it a couple of times until the two heard the leaves rustling and some birds cawing.

the two waited in silence for whatever Jake was waiting for. Y/n jumped back when a pterodactyl looking animal came flying out of the branches.

Y/n laughed nervously and watched it hiss at her. "holy shit!" she backed away a little.

the animal stared at Y/n and she looked at its yellow eyes. "do not look in his eye." Jake noticed how his Ikran was making himself look bigger.

Y/n quickly adverted her eyes to the animals wings. it had blue wings with a hint of green on the ends of it.

"Boay." Jake fed his Ikran some meat. Boay happily ate it and started shaking its head. "tam tam, Boay." Jake smiles.

Y/n looked at Jake and smiled softly at his face. she hasn't been able to see Jake smile often but whenever she did, she would get a strange feeling that she has never felt before.

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