Chapter one: New friendships and uncovered lies.

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Hello, I'm Y/n, Y/l/n.

I'm a pretty normal guy, I'm a college student by force since my parents didn't want me to be a "no one" in life. I'm studying something I don't even care about, they wanted me to become a lawyer, so they sent me away to law school.

I'm currently twenty years old, and I live by myself since the law school they sent me to was in another state, thank God I don't have to see their faces every day anymore, it was exhausting and I hated it. My dad always humiliated me when he had a chance, and my mother? My mother just straight-up hates me, she always reminded me of how much I ruined her life the day I was born.

It's not like I asked to be born.

Regardless of my relationship with my parents, I'm pretty positive about life, since I have many friends and am well-known in law school.

A lot of girls seem to like me, or maybe they like that I'm not problematic like the other guys in my friend group.

My friend group is formed of six guys, we're seven in total. First, we have Chris, we've been friends since we were kids, and when he found out I was going to law school, he dropped his life plans and came with me.

The rest of the boys are Trent, Josh, Garrett, Trevor and Luke.

We're called the "Frat boys" Since we're always together and kind of look like those cliché frat boys from Disney movies. 

I'm currently single, and so is everyone in the group. Garret was dating a girl, her name is Isabel I think, but I don't quite remember. What I remember, is that her last name is Myers, like the killer.

I really love cigarettes, it's an addiction I've always had, I've been smoking since I was fourteen, and my parents never cared about it.

As I said, I'm not a good student, since I'm not interested in what I'm studying.

I've always wanted to be a dancer or a musician.

I've been dancing and playing instruments since I was a little kid, I've always loved it.

Y/n's pov:

I find myself walking through the halls of law school, New year new me I guess.

I've always hated first days, I don't care that I knew everyone, I hate first days so much.

I opened the door of the auditorium, only to find it empty.

"Y/l/n! You're early" I heard someone say from far away.

I walked to the bottom of the auditorium, seeing my favorite teacher.

"Mr. Stevenson! Are you gonna be my teacher this year?" I excitedly asked, since he helped me a lot last year.

"Yes sir, how are you doing son, feeling better?" He asked worriedly, since last year was an academic mess for me.

"I just hope I do better this year" I told him shrugging.

"No one will do it for you Y/l/n, you have to earn it, no more helps this year" He said in a serious tone.

"I get it, I appreciate everything you've done for me sir" I answered, also giving him a serious tone.

"Don't call me that Y/l/n, you know you can call me Mark" He said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry Mark, I'll get used to it" I said smiling at him.

He was like a father figure to me, we had such a good relationship, to the point he invited me over to his house for Christmas, knowing I had no one to spend it with.

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