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a/n: I'm BACK! It's been a while since I've seen Money Heist (La Casa De Papel) so my memory might be a little rusty. So, bear with me on this one and cheer on Nairobi! ~ WINTRSOLDIR

c/n POV

Great. We are never going to get out of this. The police are in the mint and Berlin is being stupid. This might be the end. Well, if the rest of us get out and Berlin doesn't you won't be overly sad (please don't tell the professor that, but Berlin isn't the best).

"BERLIN!" you holler from the vault. "GET IN HERE! THEY'RE COMING!"

"I'll hold them off!" came Berlin's voice.


Wow. You actually said it.

"Go!" Berlin yelled. "Someone, get c/n into the vault!"

Someone grabbed your arm and you turned to see Nairobi. Tears were coming down her face.

"We have to do as he says," she said. "We have to get out of here."

The sound of gunfire draws your attention.

"Come on," Nairobi pleaded with you. "We need to leave now."

You looked back at her.

"W-what will the professor think?"

"He knows." Nairobi said firmly over the gunfire. "Come."

You followed her reluctantly, listening to the little battle raging outside the vault. Tears unexpectedly crawled down your face as you followed Nairobi into the hole in the vault floor. You didn't suspect to cry over Berlin. You followed Nairobi through the tunnel and into the professor's hideout.

"Where's Berlin?" he asked, looking extremely worried. "Is he coming?"

"He told us to leave him," Nairobi said. "He's holding the cops off."

"Shit," the professor muttered and grabbed a walkie talkie. "Berlin, talk to me, get up here now."

"Sorry," said Berlin's voice. "Can't do that at the moment professor. I'm a little busy."

"That was an order Berlin, do as I say!" the professor almost yelled into the small device in his hand.

"Sorry, professor, no can do, I'm cornered," Berlin breathed heavily into the walkie talkie and sounds of rapid gun fire could be heard.

"GET OUT OF THERE!" hollered the professor. "NOW!"

"I can't." Berlin's voice was solemn but firm. It sounded like he had made up his mind. "I'm sorry professor."

The line went dead.

"BERLIN!" the professor screamed. "ANSWER ME!"

No answer.


You put your hand over your mouth. Tears started pouring out of your eyes.

"He's dead."

The walkie talkie dropped from the professor's hand.

"We-we tried to get him to come with us," you said feebly. "He wouldn't listen."

Nairobi wrapped her arm around your shoulder. The professor looked down at his feet. You knew he was crying.

"I'm sorry," was all you could say.

"I know, c/n," the professor said. "I know,"


You watched the cop cars drive by, coffee clutched in hand. If the professor's escape plan really worked, he'd be an Einstein genius. Well, technically, he already is. You turned as the last of the cop cars passed and began walking along the sidewalk. It was nice to be free.


It was cold, the water was dark and murky, and everyone seemed to be in bad moods. The sky was foggy and the 'boat' was making you sea sick. Everyone was talking in murmurs, glancing over the water and at the sky, just in case they saw the police chasing them.

"Where are we?" Nairobi muttered next to you.

"Somewhere in the ocean." you said, watching the water flow passed.

The professor turned around to face the group.

"We have now reached international waters."

You swore the people on the nearest coast heard the cheers. Nairobi hugged you, her face stretched into a big smile.

"Welcome to freedom," you whispered in her ear.


The smell of Thai food reached your nostrils as you walked through the street. People were walking past you talking loudly. You glanced around at the various shops that lined the street of the market. The Thai restaurant's doors were open, letting its smell waft out into the crowd. You inhaled the smell and smiled. Pull yourself together. This isn't a time for Thai food, even if it's delicious! You sighed and continued walking. Your phone vibrated in your pocket. It was a message from the Professor.

We are doing it again. I'll send you the location of where we're meeting.

A heist? Another one? Is this man crazy? We barely got out of the last one! You sighed, and shook your head. 


You got to the location alright, you hit some traffic along the way but it wasn't too bad. You got out of the car just in time to see Nairobi and Helsinki fall into the water. It looked like the boat was leaving already. You ran across the dock to check on them. Everyone was fine, thank god.

"c/n!" Denver yelled from the boat and waved.

Next to him was Monica - Stockholm - who was holding a baby. There was Tokyo who was helping Helsinki and Nairobi into the boat. And there was the professor. But where was Rio? You waved back at Denver as the boat came back to pick you up.

"Sorry I was late," you said. "Got caught in traffic."

"It's alright," said the professor. "It's good your here."

The boat sailed off.

"Professor," said Nairobi. "Where are we going? And where's Rio?"

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