Meet Up

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Warning: slight mention of abuse, slurs, alcohol use, smoking

As I arrived at the park I saw Robin sitting on one of the park benches smoking. Though the idea of him smoking didn't sit well with me, along side the thoughts of my dad, I tried to ignore it. As Robin saw me he put the cigarette away anyways.

"Hey Finney!" Robin said, having the notes next to him on the paper.

"Hey-!" I said, smiling. "So, do you have any parts of this you don't understand and do understand?" I asked Robin, started to explain the math to him.

As I was walking Robin through the worksheet and my notes, he started touching my hair.

"What are you doing?" I giggled, looking up at him. I could feel make face go slightly red, but I hoped it wasn't noticeable.

"You're hair is so fluffy-" Robin said, admiring it.

I giggles at the idea of Robin enjoying the feeling of my hair, though I didn't like my hair much. Robin's little touches of my hair formed into him playing with it. I chuckled on how much Robin was focused on it.

"What's that..?" Robin said out of no where, which confused me.

"Huh?" I looked at Robin's eyes. They weren't filled with the confusion I thought they would be, he seemed more concerned.

"Who did this to you?" Robin said, he moved my hair off my cheek which made me realize he was talking about the mark my father had left. He sounded concerned and angry.

"I- uhm-" I stuttered on my words but Robin cut me off.

"Was it those assholes?" Robin questioned. I instantly knew he thought my bullies had hurt me.

"No- no it wasn't them." I stated. Though I was telling the truth, I feared Robin would believe I was lying.

"Who did..?" Robin's voice grew more concerned and anger filled.

"No one, it's fine." I said, looking down at my math notes, hoping to divert attention away from the mark.

"Someone obviously did that Finn." I felt Robin's eyes attempting to find mine, but I continued to look towards the math sheets. "You know you don't have to keep things from me-" Robin tried convincing me to talk to him.

"I know." I said, replying to the recent statement. "It's nothing. It just happened this morning." I said, hoping to end the what seemed to be
never-ending conversation.

"Well then where were you this morning?" Robin started to sound more confused. This comment kept me quiet, leaving a short pause.

"Did you go anywhere?" Robin then questioned, breaking the silence,

"No" I answered, starting to write down some more notes on my math notes.

This then left both of us silent for a bit. I could tell Robin's anger had lowered and confusion grew. I hoped not to attract any more unwanted attention towards me, which hadn't seemed to be working so far.

"I was just home." I finally said, breaking the silence which felt as heavy as a brick wall.

"So how did you get the mark..?" Robin questioned once more, slightly lifting my face to meet his.

I stayed silent for a while. I didn't know how to reply. I didn't want to lie to Robin, yet I didn't want to worry him. I just wanted to stare into his eyes and just let the world fade and melt away.

"dad." I said, speaking very softly and quietly, but it was obvious Robin had heard me by his quick expression change. He had been filled with anger.

"I'm going to kill that motherfucker." Robin muttered. "Are you alright Finn..?"

"I'm fine. It's nothing. Let's just continue working.." I said, finally addressing that I didn't want the topic to be discussed much longer.

"Alright." Robin said, I could hear the upset tone in his voice. Was it bad that I told him the truth..?

"Actually- what time is it?" I asked, remembering I told my father I'd be back by 6:00.

"5:45? Why?" Robin stated confused.

"Shit" I said, quickly packing up my things. "Do you need the notes for an extra day?" I asked Robin in a rush.

"No, it's fine-" Robin responded. "Why are you in a hurry?"

"I have to be home by 6:00." I said in a panic.

"I can walk you home, if you'd like." Robin suggested.

Those words made me stop for a few moments. I liked the idea of Robin walking me home, but how would my dad feel?

"Sure" I agreed, hoping my father wouldn't be as mad if someone else had been with me.

We were walking to my house as I kept frantically looking over at Robin's watch to see the time. I think Robin noticed, but he didn't say anything. As we got to my house, I said by to Robin and hoped my dad wouldn't be mad. It was exactly 6:00.

"Who was that boy with you?" My dad asked, you could hear he had been drinking some based off his breaths.

"Robin. He's a friend from school." I said, trying to sound as calm as possible.

"Better not be a faggot." I heard my dad mutter under his breath.

I walked to my room and laid down. I was able to fall asleep, but all I could think about before hand was Robin. Why am I like this? Why do I like him so much..?

"Robin?" "Finn?"|| Rinney StoryWhere stories live. Discover now