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Warning: bullying (duh-)

After class as I went to get up, I felt a hand push my head into the desk kind of hard, but it didn't hurt to much. As I looked up it was Matty, but I didn't pay much attention to him.

"That puta." Robin said, standing up.

"Don't worry about it Robin." I said, packing my things.

"Finn, those assholes keep doing this shit. It's not something to just let go." He said, as I finished packing up my things.

"Come on, lets just go." I said, diverting attention away from the topic. I hate talking about serious things, it never ends well.

As we were walking in the hallway, Matt pushed me into the wall. The brick wall left a small scratch on my arm, but it wasn't that bad, I just hid it with my bag.

Before I knew it, Robin had grabbed Matt by his shirt collar and pushed him against a locker.

"You motherfucker." Robin slightly yelled at Matt, bringing attention to the scene.

"Robin-" I spoke, trying to get him to stop.

"You fuck with Finn again, you're dead." Robin said, pushing Matt to the floor, right in front of Buzz and Matty. "Same for the both of you." Robin looked at Matty and Buzz.

I just stood there, next to the wall, staring. I didn't like seeing Robin get so mad, especially over something related to me.

"Let's go Finn." Robin turned to me, starting to walk out of the school.

"You didn't have to do that.." I mumbled.

"I did. Those imbeciles need to fuck off and you don't stand up for yourself." Robin stated, sounded angry.

"It doesn't matter Robin.." I said.

"It does matter!" Robin said, as I realized we had approached Bruce and Vance.

"What are you two on about?" Bruce asked.

"It's nothing." I said, sitting next to them both.

"You can't keep treating it like it's nothing Finn." Robin said, sound calm yet upset. He sat down just in front of us.

"What's going on?" Vance asked, looking at Robin.

"Those asses keep messing with Finn." Robin said. I looked down, hoping they wouldn't be too concerned. I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, looking forward at the school.

"What are they doing?" Bruce asked concerned. He looked down at me, but Robin started to answer.

"They are just.." Robin started, but stopped and looked towards me. "..can I tell them Finn?" Robin asked me.

"Uhm.." I looked at Robin then slightly at Vance and Bruce. Bruce put his hand on my knee as a form of reassurance. I slowly nodded towards Robin, put my face into my knees. I didn't want to see Vance and Bruce's reaction to it.

"Just today they shoved Finn's head into his desk and pushed him." Robin stated, I could hear his angry and upset tone as he spoke.

After Robin said that Bruce gave me a side hug, and I softly leaned against his shoulder, still not looking up.

"Kid, Robin is right, that isn't something to be treated as nothing." Vance said to me.

"Are you okay, Finn?" Bruce asked, I felt his arm go around me, probably trying to comfort me.

"It's nothing I'm fine!" I yelled, voice breaking, as I tightened my grip on my knees. 'Shit.' I thought to myself, as everyone fell silent.

"Finn?" I heard Robin mutter.

I stayed silent for a while. I fucked up and now they were even more concerned. I felt tears flood my eyes, but I tried to hold them back as much as I could.

I felt Bruce's side hug become tighter in a caring way, but Bruce kept quiet. Tears were running down my face but I tried not to being attention to that. I wiped the tears away and looked up a bit.

"I'm sorry.." I sniffled, standing up.

"Finn-" Robin started, standing up as well.

"I need to go.." I wiped my eyes, getting any left over tears away.

As I was walking away, I heard footsteps running after me. As I turned around, I saw Robin running to me, Vance and Bruce not far behind. I continued walking though.

"Finn!" Robin called out, catching up to me. "You aren't okay so don't tell me you are."

"I need to go home, Robin." I said, not looking at him.

"Finn." Robin said, grabbing my hand.

"It doesn't matter Robin. I'm fine. Everything is fine. Matty and his stupid friends don't bother me." I said, pulling my hand away from Robin's while I stared at the ground.

"Finney-" I heard Vance say, him and Bruce approaching me and Robin.

"Stop I'm fine, okay?!" I yelled, walking away from them three. I looked back slightly as I walked away, Robin seeming very upset.

As I got close to my house, I felt really bad and I knew I had fucked up.

As I walked inside my house, I saw my dad asleep on the couch, so I went to the wall phone and quietly called Robin.

"Hello?" I heard Robin's voice on the other side.

"Hey Robin" I sighed.

"Finn?" Robin questioned.

"I'm sorry. For everything." I apologized to him. "I know I fucked up-" I whispered.

"It's all good, if anything I'm sorry." Robin said.

"It's not your fault." I replied.

"It's not yours either." Robin stated.

"I'm going to head to bed Robin. Goodnight." I yawned.

"Night Finn. I love you." Robin replied.

"Love you too." I smiled, hanging up the phone.

"Who do you love?" Gwen giggled.

"No one shut up!" I slightly chuckled.

"Finney loves someonneee" Gwen teased. "Night Finn." She smiled.

"Night Gwen." I headed to bed.

Hope you enjoyed the cringey and angsty page/chapter/episode/whatever the heck this is

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