Chapter 18

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*Eternal darkness of sinful mind*

"K..Komal...something's wrong.. ..this is terrible mix've got wrong girl" words rapidly fall out of my mouth as I stand there paralysed staring at her. She averts her eyes from me.

My world is falling apart. Nothing is making sense to me. What is this even supposed to mean? The person who would think of hurting me in most excruciating way is none other but my best friend??

And as if reading my mind, Adarsh lunges forward at someone in crowd and drags him in center. I recognise him after a moment of observation. His hair is sleekly midparted and his freckled face is galled with bruises. Raj? The guy I had turned down at the party that night.

"Speak" Adarsh threatens.

"Sh..she said I'll be famous an..and also get some money...I was wiped out and in need..." he stammers.

"He could be lying" I say in shaky firmness to defend my best friend who is accused of being backstabber which is an improbable idea to me.

"If only" Adarsh inhales sharply "Adarsh doesn't do anything without proof" he holds the mobile in his hand as proof "Its the same one used to click the pictures. There were lot of outgoing calls and texts all to this GIRL" he points at Komal with lot of hatred in single word 'girl'

"But it could be anyone. Someone could be misusing Komal's cell against her awareness.." I begin

"Oh! Cut the crap!" a voice snaps at me "Stop playing innocent fool. Stop acting like pretty little damsel for once!" Komal flusteres in voice so different that I feel I'm hearing it for the first time in my life.

"It was me right from the beginning,okay? The one to put your letter out there on notice board was me. The one to ruin your Welcome show was me. The one to mix that drink in party! IT WAS ALL ME!" she screams on top of her lungs.

Whole gym falls silent. I had a hunch..I'm not going to be ready to face face her...since I had walked in gym, since I had seen her back, I had known all along it was her. I didn't wanted to accept it, but now she is throwing it on my face.

"Don't tell me Manali, you didn't for once suspected me? Oh! but wait how would you when you are always so stuck up in your own little fairy world? You are one uptight snobbish BITCH!"

"Enough!" someone from the crowd shouts. Bobby steps forward. Her saucer eyes are wider than saucer in horror. She takes a step closer towards Komal and with one swift moment smacks her hard on face. The impact is so powerful that the sound resonates in hall for a while. I watch the scene with catatonic expression on my face. My mind has become clean slate.

"And I always thought I was the one that didn't deserved your friendship" Bobby spites "That you people were so smart and intelligent and rich that I felt I couldn't possibly level with you guys ever. But you have stooped to the lowest level of lows! And even though..."

"Bobby Singh, please save the effort" Komal raises her hand flippantly "The only reason why I had to stand all your nonsense till now was because I had no choice. I know you have no mind of your own and no personality of your own and all you ever did was imitate us..or should I say her" Komal speaks in condescending despise.

But this just aggravates already furious Bobby as she grips Komal's ponytail with one hand and starts to strangle her throat by another.

Soon the crowd begins to cheer, hoot and whistle like they are watching wrestling match in wing. I realise we are standing in middle of crowd and they all are gathered to witness the biggest college drama unfolding before them. The cheers grow louder and louder as Komal struggles under Bob's grip unsuccessfully trying to kick her in shin.

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