Chapter 21

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*Change is the only constant*

Next few weeks go by in a jiffy.

There is lot of catching up to do as I had missed classes in last couple of days. Also I've to prepare and study for the upcoming semesters. There isn't enough time to miss my parents or even think about Komal who, I got to hear from Bobby who overheard from some third source, is transferring to different city. I'm glad that I don't have to run into her, even accidentally. I might forgive her about what happened or about what she did to me, but how can I ever forget?

And she did manage to damage friendship with my only 'boy' friend.

I run into Arun on my way to the locker room

"Hey long time" I greet cheerfully "How you've been?" Actually I haven't seen him after that day outside gymnasium.

"Good" he half smiles.

It is followed by awkward silence.

"Umm..Manali" he hesitates "I want to apologise to you but didn't know how to face you again"

"What are you talking about?"

"Whatever happened to you, in some ways I have been responsible for it" he says solemnly.

"Shut up! It wasn't your fault, please!" I say alarmed that he would even think of blaming himself.

Then I remember how Komal's voice had rung raucously throughout the hall that day. He must've come to know about her obsession over him or about my feelings for J.

Suddenly the energy between us shifts ineptly.

"You take care of yourself" he nods like he is saying goodbye.

"Arun..wait..." I call out but he doesn't stop.

More than anything else, I will never forgive Komal for this.


The only friends I'm left with is Bobby and J, although it would be precocious to count J in my friend list.

He did not visit my room after that first night. But we continue on our little ritual of morning walk. Needless to say favourite time of my day has been shifted from evening 6Pm to morning 10Am.

At times he sits on stairs waiting for me, I don't get the chance to do the same as he is always so punctual and ahead of time.

But today I might get that chance as J isn't here when I lock the door. I tap my foot impatiently waiting for him for a while. Time is running away so I decide to knock on his door to apartment. I gather up the courage and softly knock my knuckles on the door.

No reply.

I begin to bang on the door ferociously overcoming with terrible conclusion like always 'he doesn't live here after all!!'

But he answers the door and my heart skips a beat at his 'out of bed' sight. His eyes are puffed and bloodshot and little bewildered, his hair dishevelled and pretty messed up. He is wearing track pants and plain black tee (by the way, did I mentioned he looks drop dead gorgeous in black?)

"Oh! It's you" he sighs slacking off.

"Were you expecting someone else?" I inquire skeptically peeping inside.

"No..the way you hammered on door, I thought the building must've caught on fire" he gives a goofy smile and I die right there.

"Come in" he gestures holding the door wide open. My eyes fall on unmade bed at corner of room. I'm not sure if I can control myself around so much sexiness...without pushing him on bed climbing on top of him and making out with him.

"Umm.." I shake my head to clear the image forming in front of my eyes.

"I'm getting late actually" I say puckering my lips taking care not to bite on them.

"Manna, I'm sorry, I overslept. Rocky dragged me to this party last night and I couldn't refuse as it was his b'day..and my head is still pounding from all the booze" he pumps his fist on his head "Do you mind if I pass today?" he pleads.

"Sure" I smile..while my wild imagination runs havoc again...what if J drags me inside by my wrist instead, pins me up on wall and smashes his lips on mine?

"Manali?" J cocks his heads confused. Thank goodness humans aren't blessed with special powers like reading mind of others.

"See you around" I say hastily gulping down.

"See you around" he replies back smilingly.... consciously aware of how I'm trying to make this three little words 'our thing'.


Our innocent innuendos continue there after.

On the day of my exam, he borrows my pen from me. When I remind him I might need it as I'm about to write the exam, he takes my hand and scribbles something on my palm.

I only read what he has written after he leaves.

'Do well, Princess'

Only J has that power to scribble small note on my hand that would sent jitters down my spine.

It's really difficult to concentrate on test that day.


So much has changed in span of few days, I wonder to myself.

It was not long ago when I used to stand in parking lot and stare at J from distance like you gaze at star in night sky hoping it would fall for you some day.

"Change is the only constant"
Bobby munches on remaining ravaged food on her plate in Canteen after last day of semesters "That must be the reason why almost everyone signs up for campfire" she beams at me.

Yeah right, I almost forgot it's time for Campfire. After every sems there is this campfire tradition in this college that everyone follows zealously. Whoever are willing to go have to enlist their names for two day outing. It's more like rebound from stress of exams than actual fun of vacation.

We travel all day cramped in single bus that takes us to some idyllic location removed from our tinsel town. We spend rest of our time setting up tents and the barbecue. The bonfire gets lit, booze is smuggled in, music is played, basically everyone gets drunk and wasted. Next day we pack our bags and commence on return journey.

"Bobby I think we should skip this time" I say knowing that I would remember my nemesis Komal more under fire-lit lonesome night. Last time we both had been up all night discussing our respective crushes. Also, I don't want to stay away from J for much longer.

"What! There is no way we are not going! I literally give these exams so that I can go on campfire" Bobby remarks in serious tone.

"Also I heard this time Dirty Boyz would be joining us for impromtu gig to test their new songs before annual fest begins..but wait a sec, if they are planning it all beforehand, it shouldn't be called 'impromtu', should it? What does that word mean, anyway?" Bobby keeps on blabbering while I get lost in my own trail of thought...

"Who did you said would be joining us?"

I better get my name enrolled in that damn list.


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