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My eyes adjusted to the scene in front of me. There was a boy, young, maybe 14. I could feel my body being dragged by two strong people. I looked down to my hands, they were small and soft like they have never been exposed to anything. It's like I'm trapped in a smaller version of myself, when I was younger.

Without my consent I started screaming like my body knew what to do before I did.

"Tommy! Please I don't want to do this anymore! I don't want anymore needles!" 

Needles? I sounded so scared, why am I so scared?

"It's okay, I'm here for you when you get back." The boy called Tommy said back to me.

"Please they hurt Tommy!" I could feel the tears streaming down my face.

'Why am I crying!' I screamed to myself but I couldn't hear it.

"I know. I know. " He was crying too. But wiped them away quickly when he noticed a woman who walked up next to him could see.

She had blonde hair that went just a little past her shoulders, she had stress lines across her forehead and around her eyes, she was maybe in her late forties. But she kept a straight face as she watched me get dragged away like an animal. Her body language was confident and determined.

"I'll be waiting for you Athena, I promise." Was the last thing Tommy said before I was shoved in a room and everything turned black.

I snapped my eyes awake taking in a deep breath trying to find comfort after what I just had a dream about.. at least I think it was a dream. I could feel sweat dropping down my forehead as my body tried to calm itself down.

"Clint go get Newt and Alby tell them she's awake"

I sat up quickly realising I wasn't alone before I turned my head over to the voice it was a boy he was skinny, not too tall maybe 5'7 dark skin and short black hair he had a kind face but it was covered in dirt and his clothes were worn, he looked nervous.

"H-hey greenie, how ya feeling?"

"Where am I?" I asked quickly, before trying to find my machete which was nowhere in sight.

"You're in the medhut, it's where we take care of our injured. I'm Jeff." his voice wavered, he's definitely nervous.

"What happened? how did I get in here?" I asked worried looking around at the room I was in. It was all wood and there were shelfs filled with bottles of pills and bandages. When I didn't hear a reply I turned back to the boy.

Jeff just stared at me like I grew another head.

"Hello?" I asked impatiently.

"Uh y-yeah sorry I just, can't remember the last time any of us saw a girl. Newt carried you here, you were running pretty damn fast, ran straight into Minho and knocked yourself out"

'Who is Newt? Who's Minho? Why is he acting like I'm an alien surely  it's not that weird that I'm a girl'

I stayed silent and just nodded my head as I tried to regain my bearings. I had too many thoughts wondering in my head, what was that dream? Was it a memory maybe? Who was that boy? I needed to get out of here.

The door bursting open disturbed my thoughts. I turned my head to the door scooting myself away from the two new people entering the room until my back hit the wall like a bear walked in the room, but they were just boys, two boys.

They just stood there completely dumbfounded.

'Again with the staring, my god'

"Hey greenie, my names Alby, how's the head?" Alby spoke with with confidence, he was tall and muscular dark skin and black buzzed hair he looked about 18. He was definitely intimidating but I wasn't about to let him know that. I searched the room with my eyes again not answering the boys questions to find my machete.

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