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"Miss Paige, we're ready for you." A woman's voice echoed.

I opened my eyes just to close them again protecting them from the blinding light above me. I slowly opened my eyes again only to see a white tiled roof above me, in fact the entire room was white. I was laid on my back as I started to sit up something caught me and I couldn't get up, I looked down to my arms and legs and noticed how I was smaller, I tried to move my legs and arms while my heart beat quickened. My arms and legs were strapped down to the bed I was on.

A steel door on my right suddenly opened to show a girl, she looked around 14 maybe 15, she wore a lab coat and gloves, she had raven hair that just met her shoulders and had electric blue eyes that she looked at me with sympathy. An older woman walked in after her, it was the blonde woman from my last dream.

They took place on either side of me, the older woman nodded to the younger girl, she nodded back then turned to a table beside me, I strained my neck to look at the table, it had all types of medical equipment but what caught my eye was a syringe full of some sort of blue liquid, as if my past self recognised the object I started screaming in fear of the needle while trying to escape from the restraints. I screamed till my throat became dry and my voice croaky.

Tears streaming down my face I looked back to the girl as I started to beg.

"Please. Please let me go, Teresa. Please! You're my friend, let me go!" I begged the young girl, with my raspy voice.

She looked back to the blonde woman and back to me before muttering an apology and inserting the syringe into a vein on my neck. My body started thrashing as I felt the liquid spread across my body like water soaking into fabric. My body felt like it was on fire as I screamed for the pain to stop.

I felt the liquid spread, down my neck across my arms and into my finger tips down my torso and down my legs to my toes. The pain was nothing I'd ever felt, it was insufferable. My body was trashing around like I was being electrocuted my face was wet from tears and my forehead coated in sweat.

After a minute of nothing but pain it stoped as quick as it started, I felt myself losing consciousness but before I fell into oblivion I turned to the woman to say three words.

"I'll kill you"

I jolted awake blinking the tears from my eyes only to be met with tree branches above me, the sun wasn't up yet but I felt wide awake. I looked around and sighed with relief that I was still at my tree.

"Are you alright Ath?" Chuck asked from next to me. His voice had nothing by worry in it. I turned over to the boy who was sitting up and looking at me.

"What happened?" I asked my voice sounding coarse.

"You were screaming, I was trying to wake you but you wouldn't wake up, you were having a nightmare." Chucks eyes had nothing but fear in them.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you." I apologize embarrassed by my actions as I looked away from the boy.

"Don't apologize, it's alright. I used to have them too. Do you want to talk about it?" Chuck voice was soft and sympathetic.

I tried thinking back to the nightmare only to have it draining from my head until there was nothing but the memory of the pain I went through. "I-i don't remember it." I replied sniffling.

Chuck just nodded and sat at the bottom of the tree next to me to stay awake with me with me knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep after that. He told me how a lot of greenies get nightmares but no one has ever screamed and refused to wake up like I did. Soon after I heard the doors screech open as the sun started to rise over the walls. Eventually we had to get up and get to work.

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