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The two of them stood there, wanting to share a glance, but too scared to see the look on the others face, all they could do was watch and listen as both of their parents made the agreement, an agreement that surely trapped the two of them, both of their freedom stripped away in mere moments. The Malfoy's and the Whitlock's have had this in place long before their children were born, a deal for status and money, a long tradition of keeping the bloodlines pure, no matter who it hurt and now all Draco and Eudora could do was watch as they had the last ounce of their remaining years taken away.

A dark feeling filled the room as Eudora dared to glance over at Draco, but he stood straight, stoney faced not daring to avert his eyes. He just watched as his father shot him a glance and a small nod from his mother

"It is done" Narcissa breathed, "its final"

his mother walked towards him, resting a comforting hand on his shoulder

"Are you okay Draco?"

"Of course he is" Lucius spat, walking towards the pair

"Besides, a tradition does not change, just because the boy is unhappy, its Pureblood or no blood, correct, Draco?"

"Correct father"

He glanced over to Eudora, she looked at her parents with intent but he could tell she was not listening.

The two of them could not be more different but here they were, in Malfoy manner just having their right to love and live stolen, whether they liked it or not the two of them were set to marry in a year

a mere year, their final year of Hogwarts being the final stretch of their own freedom that their parents will allow

The only thing they could wish is that this next year goes as slow as humanely possible.

"Would the two of you like to speak?" Narcissa said looking at them both, Draco turned towards her, catching Eudora's gaze, for a moment he almost said no, until he realised there was something they did need to speak about, something he needed her to be on board with, not that she had a choice.

"Yes actually" Draco glared, "privately"

The two sets of parents shared a glance before walking towards the door, before Lucius turned

"Make it quick. We have places to be"

Draco nodded slightly, knowing exactly where his father was taking him, but non the less he walked over to Eudora. She looked at him waiting for him to speak before she spoke herself

"So what's wro-"

"Give me a chance to speak" he cut her off

"Listen, we can't tell anyone about this"

Eudora looked at him, waiting for his words

"Well say something" he spat

"You told me to give you a chance to speak"

why can't we tell anyone about this? They know how our bloodlines work Draco"

All he could do was stare at her, a look on frustration on his face

"Do you honestly think i want to go back to school for my final year with everyone knowing we're set to be married, What makes you think i want you to be the centre of my conversations"

Eudora sighed, unsure of what to say

But to Draco her silence spoke a thousand words, he knew she was on board, just like all the other things over the years he has told her to keep a secret

The biggest one of all is the fact these two polar opposites, used to be friends

Believe it or not they did, they spent every day, week & holiday together, their mothers would describe the two of them as "wallflowers" two people who in reality, had no one, and did not care as long as they had the other, but all of that changed when they went to Hogwarts

Draco very obviously was sorted into Slytherin, to no one's surprise, that was his destiny

Eudora however, was sorted into Ravenclaw, a shock for both of their families but not something that could be changed

After that Draco's whole demeanour changed towards her, he became cold, distant and before they both knew it the only words they spoke were words of cruelty & spite

"That's settled then" Draco smiled sarcastically

She watched him as he walked towards the door, a subtle hand movement from him telling her to follow, she knew going back to Hogwarts would be hell, but then again, what's another year going to change.

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