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Eudora sat on the edge of her bed, the events of today playing on her mind, it was only the first day back and already she was so tired. The things that Draco had said kept going around and around, she just could not understand why Raine was such a problem to him, she did not see why the two could not get along, Raine was her friend and nothing more, besides, they weren't set to be married for another year, whoever she see's in that time had nothing to do with Malfoy, he didn't have a say in what she done, until she was his

But then she remembered its not just Malfoy, it is his parents, as well as her own, they have put the two as close as possible so he can keep an eye on her, she feels uncomfortable at the thought, almost as if she can not breathe without him counting her breaths.

A small knock on her door pulled her from her thoughts, She sat up unsure as to wether she had the energy to answer it, but another knock came, and another
"For fuck sake" she whispered to herself, climbing off her bed making her way towards the door, pulling it open, a girl stood there, clearly younger, most likely a first year, she did not recognise her, although they shared the same house

"Can i help you?", The young girl looked at her sheepishly "I'm sorry-there's someone outside waiting for you" Eudora leaned forward, looking down the corridor, seeing no one "Apologies, i mean outside the common room" the young girl corrected herself  

"Who?" Eudora was confused "Draco Malfoy" was all the girl said, rubbing her hands together she was clearly nervous, "Why is he waiting for me?" A sigh left her lips, she almost felt sorry for the poor girl, she was clearly uncomfortable, "I'm not sure, he did not say, only for me to pass the message on"

Eudora lent against the door frame, weighing up her options, she could go and see Malfoy or she could stay here and try to find some peace, clearly the second option was more appealing, "Well you tell Malfoy, no thank you, i do not wish to speak to him" The girl looked at her in disbelief

"What if he doesn't take that as an answer?" Eudora let out a small laugh "That is not my problem, but please do not come back to me with any more messages" she stepped backwards closing her door, not giving the young girl a chance to speak, she made her way back to her bed, laying face down, burying her head into her pillows, if they weren't so thin she would have let out a scream, her body full of frustration at what had gone on in such a short few days

"Did you really disobey me?" A voice spoke from behind her, she turned quickly, seeing Malfoy standing in her doorway

"What the hell are you doing, you can't be in here" she stood from her bed, standing next to the frame

"Oh yeah?" He smiled, "who said?"

Eudora could not believe the nerves of this boy, "It's the rules" she said plainly "i know you don't follow them often but you know common rooms are off limits"

he pushed of the door frame, walking towards her dresser "Well if you had of actually come and seen me outside I wouldn't have to be in here" he continued his walk around, looking at her belongings.

All she could do was stare, shocked that he was even there in the first place "After earlier I did not want to see you, i have nothing else to say"

"Thats a shame, because i do" he huffed, taking steps towards her

"You see" he started "i forgot to tell you in our earlier conversation that its not just me keeping an eye on you, i have friends, friends in places, friends in this-" he stopped, gesturing his hand around the room, "very common room who can watch you for me, friends i trust to report back to me with the activities you get up to"

Eudora laughed "you don't think i already know you have snakes around this place, I'm not stupid Malfoy" despite putting on a brave face she felt anything like it, her privacy was being stripped away, a whole year earlier than she intended it to be "i just thought I'd be able to have the common room to my self, I don't need anyone's supervision"

Draco laughed "You're a stupid girl Whitlock"




He looked at her, shaking his head, the look in her eyes telling him that she was affected by what he had said, but he didn't care, he was following what both of their parents wanted

Eudora tilted her head back, closing her eyes, while a small sigh left her lips, she did not want to argue, so instead, she turned, walking back to her bed letting out a small laugh "No problem Malfoy"

His eyes followed her, "I fail to see what's funny?"

"well, are you doing the same?" She was amused but curious 

"What do you mean?"

"Well" she stood up, meeting him in the middle, her arms crossed "are you going to follow your own rules, If I'm not allowed near anyone, are you?"

Draco laughed out loud "Are you joking?"

"No i'm not joking, it can't be one rule for me and another for you"

A silence fell between the two, neither knew what to say, she had shut him down with one question, but now it was his turn

he took a step forward causing Eudora to take one back her legs hitting the bed frame 

"Are you a virgin Whitlock"  

This caught her off guard, "why would you ask me that" a nervous look covering her face

"lets just call it curiosity"  he turned, walking back towards her drawers but she pushed past him, his body turning following her

"That is none of your business" reaching down to grab the door handle, pulling it open, lifting her hand she gestured towards the corridor, "I think it's time for you to leave"

He let out a small laugh, walking towards her, little did she know that her silence spoke volumes, confirming what Draco already thought "I have my eye on you Whitlock, i know everything" stepping out the door he made his way back down the corridor

"You can't watch me forever Malfoy" she shouted after him, he did nothing but laugh in return

She could hardly believe what just happened, shutting the door she made her way back to bed, she did not care how thin the pillows were or who heard, she needed to scream.

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