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Lying there Eudora had been awake for hours, unsure of what to do about the situation she found herself in, Sleep had been sparse, her mind choosing to settle on Malfoy for most of the night, one half of her wished that she could live how she wanted, yet the other half of her was wishing that the wedding could be sooner, at least then Malfoy might actually leave her alone.

She stayed stuck in her own thoughts for a while longer, dreading what the day ahead would bring, and as much as she did not want too, she had to get out of bed.

She made her way towards the bathroom, stepping in the shower, she turned the handle letting the hot water run, while she grabbed a towel from her closet.

She tied up her hair and undressed, the warmth of the water hitting her skin as she stepped under it, relaxing her body, the suds from the soap gliding over her skin, this was the most peaceful she had felt in days.

Finishing up, she wrapped a towel around her body and made her way towards her mirror, the cut from yesterdays fall still quite visible on her lip.

Grabbing her moisturiser, she opened the top and massaged it into her skin, the smell of waterlily's filling her nostrils, it had always been her favourite. She placed it back on the shelf and made her way to her closet grabbing her uniform for the day, her robes from yesterday still on the floor by her bed, a knock rattled her door.

"Who is it?" She pulled the towel back up and around her body, surely Malfoy had no business being here. 

"only me" the door creaked open, Raine on the other side.

"Oh, Raine", he smiled at her, "what are you doing here?" Either he did not notice she was in a towel, or he did not care, yet He looked at her slightly confused

"I've come to walk to class with you?" his brows furrowing in the middle "Like we always do.." 

She sighed, "I'm sorry, I forgot"

"We weren't away from school for that long Eudora" she could tell he was trying to make light of the situation, yet She stood there uncomfortable, "I just need to get ready then we can go" she turned back towards her bed.

"Yep, no problem" he closed the door, making his way to her bed, sitting on the opposite side, Eudora was unsure as to what to do

She looked at him, an awkward smile painting its way onto her face, He looked back, returning that same smile.

Pushing her lips together they created a thin line.

"Is everything okay Eudora?"  Things feeling more awkward now that he had posed a question 

"I mean, need to get ready" she picked up her robes off the floor, hoping he would take the hint.

"I know, "I heard you the first time" the hint had very clearly not been taken, she was beginning to feel rather frustrated

"Well, can you leave?" Her voice coming out harsher than what she intended

"Oh, I suppose I can" he stood, making his way towards the door, pulling it open he stepped into the corridor.

Eudora felt guilty, "I did not mean to upset you" pulling the towel tighter she followed after him, leaning out into the corridor she was going to call after him, only to me met with two familiar eyes.

it was the girl

The girl from yesterday

The two of them looked at each other

"How long have you been there?" She could only hope the girl had not seen Raine leaving her room, even though she had nothing to hide.

"Not long"  Eudora was unsure as to wether she was telling the truth.

"Let me guess, Malfoy, he asked you to keep an eye on me?"

She stood there quietly, taking a deep breath Eudora crouched down towards the girl, careful not to let her towel slip

"It's not nice to spy, you know"

The young girl nodded, "I know, I'm sorry" looking as though she was going to cry, Eudora placed her hand on the young girls shoulder

"I understand what he's asked you to do, but please, it can't be like this"

"Can I ask your name?" The young girl looked at her, panic set in her eyes thinking Eudora was going to tell on her.

"Julia" she was clearly frightened

"Well Julia, you tell Malfoy you can no longer spy on me, I forbid it" this was the first time Eudora had stood up for herself and it felt kinda good.

The girl looked at her with wide eyes, "I can't tell him that"

"Oh but you can, and you will" she did not want to come across threatening, but when her privacy was being invaded, one again, she must make a stand.

Julia nodded, turning around and slowly making her way back down the corridor.

Eudora stepped back in her room, closing the door behind her, walking to her bed she picked up her uniform once again, all Just to see what Fresh hell today would bring.

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