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The only way to describe how Eudora was feeling right now was annoyed, more so that she had let Malfoy get under her skin so much, the two of them didn't utter another word to one another for the rest of their class, after he said she would learn her place with him she lost all interest in any more conversation.

Being spied on was not on her agenda for her last year in Hogwarts, especially by someone who has no interest in her, And yet, this was all because of a stupid family tradition

Turning the corner she bumped into Raine in the hallway, Orchid by his side, the two of them chatting about something she would take no interest in, following closely behind them towards the stairs, still stuck inside her own thoughts, clearly too much as she misjudged her footing, causing her to slip forward, her face making contact with the steps below her, the commotion made her friends turn around

"Shit are you okay?"

Orchid leant down to help her, but Raine was already pulling her up, his thumb swiped over Eudora's lip, she noticed the blood as he pulled away.

"Don't worry, its small" he tried to reassure her, but she knew if she had not been so wrapped up in her own mind it would not have happened.

"Do you want me to take you to Madam Pomfrey" orchid smiled

"No I'm fine, it just stings"

Raine grabbed a tissue from his pocket, dabbing it against the cut "Here take this"

"Thank you" she smiled, the three of them continuing their way up the stairs, Raine's hand on the small of her back. she heard someone shout, turning to see Draco, lifting his hand he gestured for her to come to him

"you two just go, I'll catch up"

"Are you sure?" Raine questioned, removing his hand 

"I'm sure"

She could tell by the look on Draco's face that he was not pleased, but neither was she, she opened her mouth to speak, but he grabbed the top of her arm, pulling her out of view from the other students

"What happened?" He raised his hand pointing to her mouth

"I tripped on the stairs"

"Is that all?" 

"Yes Malfoy, believe it or not, i was there when it happened"

"Less of the sarcasm Whitlock" she seemed to get under his skin just as much as he did hers

"I'll take that" reaching towards her he grabbed the tissue from Eudora's hand, placing it into his pocket but not before pulling out a tissue of his own and handing it to her "use this instead, not that cheap shit"

She looked down, silk, of course it was silk, what else would she expect from a Malfoy, speaking of Malfoy's their family crest was sown every so perfectly into the centre of the tissue, she raised her eyebrow "I'm shocked you're allowing me to have such a fine piece of material" Sarcasm once again dripping from her words

But he did not bite back, clearing his throat before she spoke "Well you will be a Malfoy soon enough, may as well start you with something small"

That's right, Eudora Malfoy..

"Can you remember what i said to you earlier?" His voice taking her from her thoughts 

"You said a lot, let me think, The part where I can't call you Draco or the part where no one is allowed to fuck me, or-"

"First of all" he spoke, cutting her off "i told you not to speak like that" he moved, looking around the pillar they stood behind, making sure no one was around "but yes, and to add to that touch you, or did you not get that?"

"Listen Malfoy, i have no idea what your problem is now but i really don't have time for these silly conversations"

Pushing past him she made her way back towards the stairs, but it was never going to be that easy, visibly annoyed he grabbed her by the hood on her robes, pulling her back, his hand pushed against her chest to keep her in place against the stone wall

"then make time, add as many hours to your day as you need, but you will listen to me Whitlock" 

"For fuck sake Malfoy, go and bother someone else"

He leaned in "Watch your mouth around me" his voice low "i said no one fucking near you, but i watched you walking up those stairs, his hand on your back"

"You can not be serious" 

"Oh but i am, so i suggest you listen"

Pushing him away she stepped to the side, going back to the stairs once again "he helped me up Malfoy, you need to get over yourself" her steps getting faster as she walked

his voice trailed behind her "You're a very silly girl for that Whitlock, just watch yourself"

She did not bother to respond, instead she went back to her Dorm room, hoping the day would soon be over.

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