Chapter Three.

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I woke up to China all over me.
She sleep wild ass fuck. I moved her over and she woke up. "Whats up girl" she said stretching. "You" I said. "My bad" she said moving over. I got up and hopped in the shower. I let the warm water run all over my body. It felt amazing. I thought about the drama and tried to convince myself that tonight is going to be a fun night and that I should enjoy myself for once. I finished the shower and cut the water off. I grabbed my towel off the rack and got dressed in the bathroom. I'm so insecure when it comes to my body. I'm very embarrassed about it. I came out dressed in a beat up all white shirt and a pair of black leggings from about a year ago. I put on a pair of beat up chucks. I put my hair into a high bun.

I came out the bathroom and took a seat on the bed and watched China destroy her closet. I rolled my eyes at China, because she always complaining about not having nothing to wear but in reality she has more clothes than a superstar. "We need to go shopping" she said. "We" I said. "Yes we" she said. "Now you know I don't have any money" I said. "Bitch me either but I know who does" she said grabbing her iPhone. She dailed a number and waited for a ring. When the number answered she put the call on speaker. "Wassup ma" the voice said. "Not shit just a little upset" she said smiling. "Damn wassup what you need" he said. "Just some money for an outfit and my home girl need one too" she said. 
The whole time I was in the back ground saying no and waving my hands. She ignored me and got up from the bed. When she hung up I snapped on her "The fuck you do that shit for you know I hate when people do shit for me" I yelled. "Its not even like that alright girl he cool peoples I swear its nothing I promise" she said.

We went outside and waited for this nigga Josiah to pull up. He pulled up in a nice ass car. China strunted over to the car making herself be bowlegged. I laughed at her attempt to try. I seen her look back at me and then she waved for me to come on. I got up off the sidewalk edge, dusted my butt off and made my way to his car and got in the back seat. "So yall going to a party" his friend beside me said passing a blunt to Josiah. I nodded and China spoke. "Well I'll drop yall off if y'all need a ride there and call me when yall need to be picked up" he said. I really didn't see what China seen in him because he is one ugly nigga. His homeboy too. Josiah looked like he had to fight all his life and his homeboy looked just the same. Only thing is Josiah got light brown eyes and curly black hair.  Also he that "sha-money" and China is a sucker for eyes and check deposits. When we pulled up to the mall. Josiah gave China atleast 1500 dollars in her hand. She pecked his cheek and exited the vehicle. I was right behind her but his friend grabbed my arm. "Whats your name?" josiah ugly homeboy asked. "Terra" I said pulling my arm back. "Well Terra have a good day" he said handing me some bills as well.  As much as I needed the money I couldn't take it. "Thank you but I'm good" handing it back. He shook his head "Naa ma go have fun you deserve it" he said handing it back to me. With that being said I accepted it and thanked him again. I closed the door and ran to catch up with China. "I think Tate likes you" she said laughing. I really didnt want to be mean and tell China what I really thought about him, because China is the type to tell him what I said. "You think" i said forcing a smile, even though he was sweet guy don't no nigga just give money to a stranger there's always something they need in return. She laughed "yes but girl let's blow this money" she said flashing all the money.  We went into the first clothing store we seen. I like to buy my shoes first than what ever I have left is for my outfit. China gave me some more money and told me to meet her back at this spot in a hour but we both know we're not going to be back in this spot in no damn hour. I walked into foot locker. I had a small foot and I never had a up to date pair of shoes for-real. I was always 3 years behind in fashion. I seen some Jordans I got them in a size four in a half and got a pair of all white forces. I paid for both pair and I barely spent two hundred dollars. I still had plenty of money left. I went and got my nose pierced. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. I was nervous but I did it. "You took it good for your first piercing" the woman said. "Yea I know right" I said looking at myself in the hand mirror. I smiled because it was really cute on my little button nose. I went into a nail place and got my eye brows done. I needed them done they was so thick. I even purchased a designer hand bag. It was all red with black material on the inside. I actually bought new clothes to fit me as well. Today, was the first day I felt extremely happy. I went to every store and still didnt find what I wanted to wear to the party. I was about to say fuck it until I seen a black body suit. It was long sleeves With the back out. It was beautiful. "You gone look good in that" the worker said. "Thank you" I said smiling. She smiled and walked away. Once I paid for the body suit I only had enough left for some food. I went and got some Chinese food. I honestly shouldn't be eating fast food but I was hungry. I sat down and started to eat. I felt like someone was watching me so I looked to the side and someone was. It was Rari. I get nervous when people watch me. So I packed up my food and was about to dip but before I could get away he was all in my space. "Where you going" he said. "My friend waiting on me" I said. "I aint gone hurt you shorty take a seat and enjoy your meal I'll be right back" Rari said putting his bags down and went to get his food he ordered. He came back and took a seat across from me. I looked around nervously. "Chill shorty no need to be nervous" he said. "Eat your food" he added showing me his pearling whites making me melt. Just being in his presence made me wet. I put my drink on the table and dropped my bags. "You robbed someone" he said laughing. I laughed because just thinking about me robbing someone. I wont even steal from the dollar tree. "You got your eyebrows done" he said drinking his drink. "Yea first time" I said. He stared me down "That really do fit your face you got a baby face" he said complimenting my nose ring."Thank you" I said. "Why dont your sister got good hair" he said. "Excuse me" I said. "Your sister hair is nappy ass fuck why she dont got the good shit like what you got" he said laughing. I shrugged my shoulders. "I dont know we got different fathers" I said. He nodded.  After a few minuted of talking more I heard someone scream my name. "Terra lemme tell you who I just seen" Before she could finish she stopped. "Hold on now whats going on here" she said smiling. "Nothing we just eating and talking" I said. He laughed "ill holler at you some other time dont be scared to say hello next time" he said walking off. "Find out" she said. "Nothing to find out" I said. "Girl you know you gone give him that pussy" she yelled. "what the fuck China never" I said laughing. She laughed "lets go girl they outside".

We drove back with loud music and blunts being passed all over. I leaned over and thanked Tate again. "No problem" he said smiling.

I got out the car and we went back to China place. Tate offered to carry my bags and walk me to the door. China stayed in the car a little longer with Josiah. "You are very pretty" Tate said handing me my bags. "Thank you and your very sweet" I said giving him a hug. I mean it's the best I can do after how cool he was towards me. I need to get my shit together because for me to have a lot of issues I am quick to judge.

I made my way in and China entered later. We had four hours till the party and I was tired. "You got your nose pierced that shit looks bomb on you boo" China said. "Hell yeah I wanted to try something new" I said smiling.

Once settled China hopped in the shower first. I waited for her to get dressed and  stuff. About two hours later she stepped in with a pair of heels and a fitted dress.. Her weave was laid. Her make up was fleeked ass fuck. "You look so good mama" I said. She spent around in a circle. "Thank you boo" she said. I went and took another shower. Once out I lotioned my body. I put thongs on at first but they felt weird going up my ass so I took them off and free balled. I took my hair and put it all in one sleek bun. I laid my edges with some edge control. I put some diamond studs in my ear. I also applied some mascara and eye liner. I even put on some red lipstick to match my purse. Even though my face wasn't beat like China's I still looked so different with the little makeup I did have on. I put on the body suit and realized it was cut to far down in the back. I dont like showing so much. "Love your body" I told myself. No rolls was showing so that was good also. I put on my all white forces and it was a nice fit in my opinion. Money and a little effort can go a long way. I grabbed my purse and put on this Fake MK watch China gave me years ago people think it's real but it's fake for real.  When I came out the bathroom. China caused a scene "Mommy come take me and Terra picture" she said. Her mom came running in "Oh hell yea them hoes gone be mad tonight" China moma said making me laugh. We posed for a couple pictures and took a uber to the party.  We walked around the block and there was the  party. I'm surprised it wasn't a line. We was getting closer and closer.

I took a deep breathe and prepared for whatever was coming next.

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