one:﹙the hero﹚

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the hero.

CHAPTER        ONE !the hero

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"contains; nothing."
—no need to proceed with caution

Months passed, and Matt tried to pick up another thing by becoming an independent lawyer only focusing on that and Y/n

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Months passed, and Matt tried to pick up another thing by becoming an independent lawyer only focusing on that and Y/n. Leah had gone home the day right after Christmas so she didn't stay long.

He hasn't picked up his daredevil suit since the promise he made to Y/n; now Matt's only focus was her and his new job. Foggy hasn't had contact with Y/n since the last time the two had talked and Karen was doing her own thing with journalism but helping Matt out with his cases.

The printer was mid printing out a transcript that had dots on it for Matt to understand what he was reading. The two had been in a better place with Y/n going to Therapy every Monday; she had no contact with Frank since the easy bake oven incident.

With the work she had been putting in the bakery, Y/n felt like she wasn't trying hard to be normal anymore a bit of her was normal not having to put the costume on was a relief in her mind, not stress.

Now Matt and Y/n swore to keep important cases to one another, and she wouldn't get involved with his cases unless he had given her permission to do so.

Besides there had been a word in the news of other people that have been helping out. One of them happened recently with an incident with a dead man on a boat by a PI.

The day was normal, with clouds forming outside of Y/n's window. "At 50th and 10th would be, quote, "good for the community" Matt spoke to himself pacing in the living room and fixing the popped collar.

"Mr Berkowitz, in your professional--" Walking over to their printer, Matt froze in place the noses all around him started to form in her ears, from miles and distances away from him outside of the apartment.

He has been having problems with hearing for the past weeks, even before the two promised not to go out as Daredevil or Nightangel. His fingers had gripped the page, being the only thing he heard was insults towards a woman and people fighting.

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