🕶️2🕶️ Subject Order

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   Coughdrop woke up, his head hurting badly. It seemed there was no serious injury, thankfully. With his mind feeling foggy, he lowered his sunglasses to get a better look at his surroundings. White room. Big white room. Air Mattress, Spork, Sign, Stone, Folder. They all seemed to be going through the same thing Coughdrop was; a rough waking up.

   "Five more minutes..." Air Mattress said, laying back down. She didn't even try to look at her surroundings...

   Sign began crying. "My head hurtss!! Where am I..?!" She tried to look around, but tears seemed to be blocking her vision.

   Folder didn't say anything, but she made many shocked, confused, and scared noises as she took in her surroundings, starting to panic. Poor Spork was in the same boat.

   Stone rubbed his head and looked around. "Where are we...?"

   "I don't know, bro! We all just woke up." Coughdrop said. He raised his sunglasses back over his eyes. That was enough bright white for him.

   "Well, not ALL of us." Sign snapped, suddenly not crying anymore, and pointed to Air Mattress. "She's sleeping like a gross little baby!"

   Everyone turned to Air Mattress, who seemed to indeed be asleep.

   "Should we wake her up or...?" Coughdrop asked, unsure of what the right thing to do was, seeing as their situation was a mystery.

   "There's no point, she's a lost cause." Stone said. He looked around. "There's a window up there."

   Everyone looked at where Stone was pointing. High above them was a wide window, seemingly for viewing purposes. But like, viewing THEM. What the heck is this?!

   Sign flew up to the window and looked through it. "It's a bunch of dumb controls and papers and... is that Cactus?"

   Folder suddenly gasped. "That's right! C-Cactus was... she..."

   Cactus suddenly came into view. She looked down at everyone angrily through the window. "I was waiting for the perfect moment to introduce myself and explain why you're all here!" She spoke through a microphone, which must've been connected to some speakers hidden in the white room. "But this little BRAT ruined the surprise!!" She glared at Sign.

   "WAAAAHAHAA YOU'RE SO MEAN!!!" Sign cried in front of the window.

   "Could you all keep it down...?" Air Mattress complained, eyes still closed. "I was just getting comfortable..."

   "We literally just got kidnapped." Stone face palmed.

   "Woah, it's probably not that serious!" Coughdrop said. "Cactus probably just wants to... throw a party! Remember the confetti?"

   "She called that the kidnapinator..." Folder mumbled.

   Cactus suddenly chuckled loudly. "I thought things through! If I kidnapped you, this would be illegal! But luckily for me, I took a page out of TV's book and FORGED YOUR CONTRACTS! So now, this is all perfectly legal and I can't be arrested for trapping you all here!"

   "I don't even know what that MEANS, you ugly toad!" Sign yelled, punching the window. It didn't seem to be normal glass, as Sign is quite strong for her age and the glass didn't even crack.

   "Forgery is illegal too." Air Mattress said. It seemed she gave up on trying to sleep.

   "Only if you get caught!" Cactus yelled. "Also apparently seven year olds can't sign contracts so I couldn't do one for Sign."

   "Well then this is SUPER illegal." Air Mattress said, looking up at Cactus. "You just kidnapped a child and have no excuses."


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