🕶️7🕶️ We Win

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Today was too chaotic. Just... TOO CHAOTIC! I am a master of causing chaos, but apparently so is Subject 3. On top of all that, I had to make an arrangement with Sign... Overall terrible day. I'm taking a nap.

   Coughdrop woke up to the sound of yelling.

   "Get off of me!" Air Mattress yelled, sitting up as Folder jumped off of her face.

   Folder screamed and ran. "I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT!!!"

   "Guys, what in the world is going on here?" Coughdrop asked. It was too much action for someone who just woke up.

   "I woke up and Folder was using me like a mattress." Air Mattress turned herself away from Folder stubbornly. "I am no one's mattress."

   "I'M SORRY!!! I-IT HAD TO BE DONE!!!" Folder yelled. "PLEASE IGNORE ME!!!"

   "Kind of hard with all that yelling." Stone said, smirking.

   "SHUT UP STONE!" Folder yelled, then walked to a corner and stared at the wall.

   Coughdrop still had no idea why Folder was acting so weird, but instead of thinking about that, he took notice to the fact that everyone still had those shock bracelets on. He really hoped they weren't going to be used again today...

   Coughdrop decided he should think about something else. Unfortunately, there wasn't a lot of things in this place to use as a distraction. In fact, there was literally nothing in the room except all of the people. He looked around to try to think of anything fun to do, when he noticed Stone looking at him.

   "Hey! Stone!" Coughdrop ran over to Stone, smiling. He was pretty sure the two of them were best friends. "Good morning buddy!"

   "Hey..." Stone said with a weird smile. "Good morning to you too, Coughdrop... How did your experiment go?"

   Coughdrop frowned. He came here to forget about that, but Stone had the right to know. "It sucked, bro. I got shocked, like, a million times. How did yours go?"

   Stone shrugged. "I also got shocked a lot, I guess. It wasn't so bad though. Very boring, I'll admit. Basically a whole day of doing nothing."

   "Boring?!" Coughdrop couldn't stop himself from yelling. "That sounds nothing like mine. Sure, it wasn't like, exciting or fun, but I wouldn't call it boring either. It was just... endless brain usage!"

   "That sounds like torture for you." Stone said.

   "It was! Like actually!" Coughdrop threw his hands into the air. "Every time Air Mattress messed up or didn't do anything, I would get shocked! And guess what she did?"

   Stone blinked, suddenly seeming more interested. "Obviously she did nothing, that's what she does. And the experiment was what, to see if she would do something if it meant you wouldn't get shocked?"

   "Pretty much." Coughdrop crossed his arms. "But she didn't care. She was so cruel! She-" Coughdrop remembered Air Mattress's apology from yesterday. "Um- well, she apologized, so..."

   He looked away from Stone a bit. He honestly didn't feel like Air Mattress's apology really made up for the way she acted back there. She told him that nobody liked him, and that it was nice to see him be tortured. Could stress really lead someone to say that? Coughdrop was way more stressed than Air Mattress was and he didn't say anything like that...

   Stone looked at Air Mattress. "...What exactly did she do, though?" He asked, turning back to Coughdrop.

   "Well, it doesn't really matter. We're just gonna move on from that." Coughdrop said. He really didn't want to start a major conflict in such a small group of people.

Experiment 25 - a Generic Object Battle fanficWhere stories live. Discover now