🥄6🥄 Aftermath

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Coughdrop was holding Spork while sitting against a wall. Air Mattress had already fallen asleep. Even though she went through less than Coughdrop did, she did still get many shocks, so it wasn't too surprising that she passed out so easily. Coughdrop wasn't sleeping, though. Well, neither was Spork.

Coughdrop was sort of just staring blankly at the sleeping Air Mattress. It was hard to imagine what could possibly be going on in his head. Air Mattress did just give up on trying to prevent him from suffering. Without even feeling bad about it, too! Spork at least physically couldn't do much to help. And even then, he still did help Coughdrop! Just in a rather strange way!

Coughdrop suddenly lifted Spork up and looked at him. "Hey... how's it going Spork?"

Well, clearly things weren't very good. Spork himself was fine, but not Coughdrop.

Coughdrop sighed. "That test was... not very cool, bro..." He grimaced and shuddered. "I don't wanna party in that room ever again."

Hopefully, they wouldn't have to. They might have to do other tests, but at the very least, there isn't really a reason to do the same test multiple times. Hopefully the results Cactus got from that were enough.

Coughdrop looked at his bracelet. "I'm really sorry for letting you down, Spork... I-I tried my best, really, but- those puzzles were too hard! I'm a party animal, not a puzzle master!"

Coughdrop didn't really let Spork down. If anything, he went above and beyond to help Spork. There was no way Spork would hold those shocks against Coughdrop.

"Aw, thanks bro..." Coughdrop smiled at Spork, then frowned again, looking at Air Mattress. "She wasn't so helpful... when she wakes up, we gotta talk about that."

That sounded like a risky idea, but if they were all gonna be trapped together, being tested more, it was an important matter to air out. They could only hope things would go smoothly.

It had been a couple hours since the test ended. Folder and Stone were still doing their test, whatever it was. Hopefully it wasn't as bad as what the other three went through. Suddenly, the viewing window opened.

Out from the window flew Sign, holding a big basket in her arms. "Ugh, why do I have to do this-" She noticed Air Mattress snoozing. "Wake up, you lazy pig!"

"Huh?" Air Mattress sat up. "What's..." She looked up at Sign. "Oh. You're back?"

"Only to give you guys some food." Sign rolled her eyes, then dumped the contents of the basket out onto the ground. It was full of fruits! Luckily the ground wasn't hard enough to severely damage any of the fruit. "Have fun eating off the ground, you worms!"

Sign flew back into the window, which closed shut behind her. Air Mattress looked at the fruit.

"Ooh, I am pretty hungry..." She grabbed herself a pear. "Too bad it's not McCornald's again." She shrugged and ate the pear.

Coughdrop should probably go eat, but he was nervous. It made sense. Air Mattress was already at the pile of food. But he had to go, he couldn't just not eat, plus they needed to talk about what happened anyways.

"You're right, Spork, I should go..." Coughdrop took a deep breath and walked over to the food, Spork in hand.

Coughdrop put Spork down next to the food, then also took a seat in front of the food. He grabbed an apple and began eating it, looking at Air Mattress.

Air Mattress had begun eating a third fruit, when she noticed Coughdrop. "Oh. Hi." She said, then continued eating.

"Hey..." Coughdrop seemed unsure of what to do. "So... um... that test..."

Air Mattress sighed. "Do we really have to talk about it? It was just Cactus torturing us for no reason."

"Well, I guess, but you also literally said you were okay with me getting tortured!" Coughdrop said. "What's the deal with that, bro?! I thought we were partners in crime!"

Air Mattress sighed. "First of all, we were never really friends. You just keep pretending people are your friends even when they clearly just think you're an idiot."

"That's not true! Spork doesn't think that." Coughdrop crossed his arms. Spork was a true friend to Coughdrop, and would never willingly betray him like that.

"That's because Spork can't think." Air Mattress glared. "Anyways, that test was too hard. I just knew we were both gonna end up getting shocked. There was no point in trying." She took another bite of fruit.

"Except making me suffer less!" Coughdrop yelled. "I'll accept if you couldn't handle the puzzles, they became too hard for me, too, but you didn't even try them! You went straight to making me suffer!"

"Well, the puzzles were too much!" Air Mattress said. "If I could handle them, I would've. But I couldn't. That's why I let you get shocked. It wasn't personal."

"It felt pretty personal to me..." Coughdrop said. "You were very rude."

Air Mattress sighed. "It was a stressful situation, okay? I'm sorry. I would've liked to hurt you as little as possible, but it was hard under those conditions."

It was hard to believe that, after the terrible things Air Mattress had said during the experiment. "Okay..." Coughdrop said, returning to eating fruit. Guess he decided to just accept that apology. Must've been easier than arguing more. It would be nice, if what Air Mattress said was the reality, but who really knew? Only she would know.

The day continued rather awkwardly. Air Mattress didn't seem to mind. In fact, she looked pretty pleased that Coughdrop wasn't talking to her. Coughdrop wasn't talking much in the first place, only having a few conversations with Spork away from where Air Mattress was.

Eventually, the door opened. Stone and Folder entered the room, the door shutting behind them. They stood at the doorway for a bit, observing the room, before finally walking away from the door, and also away from each other.

"It is now night time! Go to sleep!" Cactus said through the microphone.

"Can do." Air Mattress said, laying down.

"Hm, maybe I can do it n-now...?" Folder said to herself, staring at Air Mattress.

"Hey! Stone!" Coughdrop waved. "Do you wanna hang out with Spork and I?"

"We're supposed to be sleeping, so that's what I'll be doing right now. Good night." Stone said, walking to the opposite side of the room and laying down.

"Oh, right." Coughdrop rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "Well, good night then! We can talk tomorrow!"

Stone didn't respond. Coughdrop laid down on the ground with Spork. Now the only one not laying down was Folder.

"I can do this, I can do this..." Folder was whispering to herself. She took multiple deep breaths, then tiptoed over to Air Mattress. The mattress seemed to be asleep, like she very often was.

For some reason, Folder decided to carefully lay herself on top of Air Mattress, being as careful not to wake her up as possible. She must be so glad that folders aren't super heavy. Air Mattress began shifting a bit, which caused Folder to panic and try to make her feel more comfortable by... petting her. It seemed to be good enough for Air Mattress, so she went back to peaceful slumber.

Folder spent the night looking like she would never get such a thing ever again.

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