Chapter 4: Recognition

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• Mention of Bullying
Seth's POV:
Looking towards the voice, I immediately recognize it as the kid from earlier.
'It's that kid!'

Jasper's POV:
"Have you 2 gotten your drinks yet?"
I Shifted my feet a bit, as I grabbed my pen out of my pocket ready to write down their orders.

"Ah, we have.."
The yellow winged Avian started, looking over to the other one.

I looked over to the other Avian immediately recognizing him.
"You're Seth, right?"
I asked, seemingly causing him to jolt.
"You recognize me? You know my name?"
I looked at him confused.
"Well you're pretty popular at school so it'd be kinda hard not to recognize you.."
I answer, before mumbling,
"Especially, since your the only popular kid that doesn't bully me.."

"Besides we're in some of the same classes together, not to mention some other kids drool over you constantly in the library"
I rolled my eyes, before looking towards them again.

"Wait, your popular at school and yet you tell me you don't have friends"
The yellow winged Avian said, sounding really confused.
"Being popular doesn't mean I have friends Holly, besides I wouldn't want to be friends with people like them. They bring too much drama and problems"
I looked towards Seth, slightly shocked..
The yellow winged Avian, now known as Holly, cleared her throat and looked towards me.
"We'll order now, er- .."
I paused for a second, before realizing.
"Ah, my name's Jasper.."
I got my pen and notepad ready, as I Shifted my feet again.
"Alright, Jasper I'll have the..."

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