Chapter 10: The Aftermath

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• Self-deprecating Thoughts
• Anxiety/Panic Attack
• Cursing
~Time Skips~
~Time Skips~
3rd POV:
Jasper let out a Silent scream as he closed his eyes tightly, expecting to hit the floor.
However, when he landed, it wasn't on the floor.

"Gods, that was close"
Jasper's eyes snapped open at the sound of a familiar voice. Looking towards it, he saw it was Seth, who landed on the ground and closed his wings.

"Are you okay, Jasper?"
Jasper stated silent in shock for a few seconds, before realizing he was still in Seth's arms.

Jasper's POV:
I felt my face heat up as I heard 3 sets of feet walk over
'This is weird, but I don't want to move'

"That's was dangerous, if Seth wasn't fast enough you could've been seriously hurt."

I looked over at Ms. Kate, who looked concerned.
'Why does she looked concerned, I'm not worth being concerned for.."

Seth put me down as I looked towards Ms. Kate and Mr. Riverstone.

"Kate's right, Jasper why didn't you ask for help"
"I- ehm.."

"Do you not have wings, Mr. Jasper?"
I looked towards Ally..
'Why are they concerned for someone like me?'

"Why didn't you use your wings, to reach the cups? Do you not have any? Is there something wrong with them?"

3rd POV:
Jasper went wide-eyed and froze causing everyone looked at him confused.
Seth immediately noticed Jasper start to shake and mutter.

"Jasper? Are you okay?"
Seth knelt down in front of Jasper, immediately becoming concerned when hearing what he was muttering.
'What the fuck!?'

Seth put his hand on Jasper's shoulder, shaking him a bit.
"Jasper snap out of it!"

Seth's POV:
"What's going on?"
I heard Ally ask, sounding very worried and confused.

I turned my face towards them, worry taking over my body.
"He's having a Panic Attack. You guys go home, I'll be home in the morning"

"Are you sure you'll be okay helping him by yourself?"
I nodded my head, facing Jasper again.

"Alright... Kate, Ally, let's go home"

~A few seconds later~

After I heard them close the front door, I put my hand on Jasper's back causing him to shout in pain.

I immediately removed my hand, even more worried than before.
'I need to check that when he calms down.. "

I sighed and hugged him, careful of touching his back.

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