Arfeyrac Lives On...and Enylin?

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Walking into Javert's class at the end of the day,-hehe Les Mis reference- I slide into one of the desks and rest my head on it.

I want to try texting AJ again, but I probably shouldn't. Javert would confiscate my phone. And that wouldn't be good at all. I slyly pull out my phone and text the group chat between Enjy, Courf, and I.

We devised a plan in Student Council about how to break me out of detention... and not get another detention in the process.

"Ms. Lambert, your detention for me will be writing lines." I bite my lip, remembering my first detention.

It was lines too, with this same exact teacher for a bullshit reason.

"You will be writing 'I will not slap another student.'" I cover my mouth with my hand, trying not to burst into laughter.

"But she deserved it," I mumbled under my breath.

Rolling my eyes, I get out a sheet of paper and one of my many mechanical pencils and start writing chicken scratch so that it looks like I'm actually writing my lines.

In reality, I'm fine-tuning the details of my break out with the two boys. Enjy told me to be ready for chaos, and I believe those two when they say that they will cause chaos. Along with Ferre, they're the most chaotic group in the whole school.

Except for AJ and I. We're an entire different level of chaoticness.

Me on my own is a different level of chaoticness.

Is it?

I once set fire to a microwave while trying to make a pizza sub.

I internally smirk as I hear "fights" breaking out in the hallway outside of the classroom. Think the Mean Girls musical/movie except downsized and less... animalistic.

"You stay here," Javert says, pointing his finger at me. I nod my head obediently, dying of laughter at his apparent trust in me to leave me unwatched. Granted, it's only for like three minutes, but Les Amis can do anything in three minutes.

Javert leaves the classroom and I start to pack up my stuff, laughing quietly to myself.

"Pssst Kaylin," I hear Enjy hissing from the window. I turn and burst into laughter.

"The window? You're planning on sneaking me out from the window?" I giggle quietly as Enjy rolls his eyes.

They learned from the best aka me.

"Doesn't matter. Now come on," the boys urge and I walk quickly over to the window, throwing my backpack through the open glass. It hits Courf right in the stomach and I snort.

"You good?" I ask while still laughing. Courf sighs.

"Yes I'm good. Hurry up," he mutters. The boys lower the window and I climb out, hopping down from the windowsill and fixing my skirt.

"Are any teachers in on this?" I wonder. I don't want another detention, cause Javert would be even more pissed.

"Yep, Madame Thenardier and Mr. Valjean. Cosette told her dad about the whole Tari Mari debacle," Enjy informs. I grin.

"Thank god. Now we need to get out of here before Javert comes back." Enjy, Courf, and I jog towards our cars, and I slide into the driver's seat of mine.

"I'm going to AJ's," I say out the window. Courf winces. "Courf you're definitely coming with, no matter what. Enjy you can come if you want." Enjy laughs.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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