CHAPTER 13- uh oh

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Everything was black..until I woke up that is. I look around at the dimly lit room with only a crappy lightbulb hanging from the ceiling illuminating the tiny room. I try to stand but instead almost fall over trying due to the fact my arms and legs are tied to the chair with rugged rope that scratch my arms with every move. I hear footsteps coming downstairs and I freeze. Who could that be? My thoughts get paused when I see Gaylord and Nathan slowly stepping down the squeaky stairs, oddly carful to make no noise. "Ah, I see your awake. The gas wore off quickly!" Gaylord said with a sense of calm but also.. it scared the shit out of me. What gas? How? What the hell is happening? "Oh no you'll be fine Alan!" Nathan said.

"W-what?" I shakily said

Nathan just walked up and tore off the tape not covering my mouth that well and started to speak, "what did you say? Couldn't hear ya!" Nathan said with a creepy smile on his hot ass face. Before I was able to speak he and Gaylord just walked back up the squeaky stairs without another word. I start to feel tears well in my eyes as I realize I've been held captive to the people I've once loved. I start to regain my senses after all that just happened and finally start to think straight. How did Nathan hide being a demon from me for so long? How do I get out of here? I try to think of ways to get out but the more I think the more stressed I get and my brain starts to scream at me and the worlds spinning too fast and my mind is blanking. I begin to figure things out and slowly break the rope so Gaylord and Nathan don't hear me. Eventually I break free but what next? I don't know where I am, where to go, where Gaylord and Nathan are, what they will do me or anything. I balance myself and look around. I see a small window that is just about the same size as me. I could try but I could either break free and run or I get stuck, Gaylord and/or Nathan find me and I'm done for. I decide on trying to escape and well..

That was a lot but I want people to like these new chapters soo please read this and like it or I'll kidnap you /j

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