Chapter 2: "What are these?!?!"

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The next morning, I woke up on the rock. Thinking everything was normal, I tried to flap my tail around. But when I did so,there were two tails instead of one. I looked down, staring at the two sticks in shock. "What- WHAT ARE THESE?!"

I scrambled to the water, threw myself in, and after a few seconds, I had my tail back. Calming down, I thought about my next move. I needed to go to land, maybe my cousin was there!

I swam to the shore, seeing sand. When I got out of the water, I started feeling cold. I shivered, and my legs formed into the sticks again. And I didn't have my top.

Somehow I so called, stood up and tried to come to the nearest bush. I tried. As soon as I stood up, I feel face first in the sand. I somehow stood up and  Even though I'm a siren, I'm not stupid. I know being without your top and any colthing, wait colthing or clothing? I don't know. Anyways, being without your colthing is not appropriate.

So, with nothing left to do, I had to steal. I went to a box and on the outside of the box, there were some strings, and on those strings, there was colthing. Don't ask me how (I was crawling). I got some fresh colthes.

(Pick an outfit)

The colthes were comfy, and I wobbled, tripped and fell my way on to the town with a lot, A LOT of people

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The colthes were comfy, and I wobbled, tripped and fell my way on to the town with a lot, A LOT of people. I saw a grey floor with white lines. And there were some shiny looking things going across them. I went to walk through, but suddenly, a lady pulled me back. Losing my balance, I fell and knocked over the lady. "I- I'm so sorry! Here, let me help you!" I said, worried I hurt her. I stood up and my body was like a jellyfish. I held out my hand to her and she grabbed it. "No worries." She smiled warmly, making my heart flutter.

"But do you know how to cross the street?!" I smile akwardly at her question. "Uh... Not really." She stands there looking at me with the 'what the, you're kidding, right?' look. I shake my head no. "How do you not know that?!"  "I just dunno?"

She grabbed my hand: "Well then, I'll teach you." I blush at her action. I know I just met her, but this girl gives me electricity everytime she looks me in the eye or even makes physical contact with me. She shows me how to cross the road.

As we pass, I hug her: "Thank you so much! I owe you!" She akwardly hugs me back, saying: "No worries, I just helped you pass the road!" "But you literally saved my life!" "Oh, right. Well, I'm Evie, what about you?" There I go blushing again. Now even her name is hot!

"I-I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you, Evie."

"What is this place?" I ask Evie as we enter a box named Ocean bar. "Uh... You've never seen a bar before?" I shake my head no. "It's were we serve drinks and food." "Ooooooo, I get it!" "David!" Evie calls out to a boy with curly short hair.

This David guy comes to her and asks: "Yeah? What is it?" "I want you to meet Y/N! She's new here." As soon as the guy looked at me, his mouth fell agape. He blushed a bit, and then stuttered out: "I-I'm D-David"

I shake his hand that was reached out "I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." I flash him a gorgeous smile and his face turns red. I giggle at his reaction, and this doesn't seem to help his flustered state.

Suddenly, three new girls come inside, and a second later, a guy comes rushing in the 'bar' asking for ice. For a second, his eyes land on me and he stops talking to David. When he is already staring, I turn around to see what he was looking at. There was nothing. And when I turned back around he was gone. I shrug.

I see Evie talking to the girls and when I hear that she is with some Zac, I kinda get sad. I know I've known her for less than a day, but I still had the feeling someday, we could be a couple. Maybe she isn't into girls. Sad.

She turns around, scoffs and I ask her: "What's wrong?" "These girls wanted to know where my boyfriend is." I look at her, pity in my eyes. "I'm pretty sure, that this boy you're dating isn't a player. He loves you!" She smiles at me and I give her a hug.

At the end of her shitf, wait no, shift I went to a cave near the sea and slept there.

Word count: 830 words
That is the end,
Have a good day/night
Eli out ✌️

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