Chapter 3: School

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So, I know I said this book will be on hold, but lickylacoochie here gave me motivation to continue writing. Sometimes, even comments give you motivation. Not gonna lie, I was a bit too lazy to write before🤭 So thank you for the nice comment<3
Also, I felt a bit bad because I know some of you are patiently waiting for new updates.
Anyways, C/N is cousins name (the cousin has to be female, since yk all the sirens and mermaids are female)
I woke up in my cave feeling like a dead fish. A loud flying thing woke me up. It looked fluffy. I'll ask Evie what's it called.

My hair was all tangled and my skin was dry. Slowly, I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I was tired, and a part of me just wanted to lay down and sleep for the day. Sirens were never morning creatures. We usually woke up at noon and went to sleep early in the morning.

Yesterday, I stole a couple pieces of clothing and for today, I styled this outfit:

It was quite cold outside, so I decided on taking a long-sleeved thing to cover me up

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It was quite cold outside, so I decided on taking a long-sleeved thing to cover me up. I got dressed and went to the sea side to wash and brush my hair.

Well, lucky me! I fell into the water, still not getting used to the two sticks. Of course, I turned into a siren. Spectacular.

A couple minutes later, my hair was styled into a pretty hairstyle (pick your own in the introduction chapter:) and I was ready to leave.

As I was walking to the so called bar, I tripped. And that left a bruise on my face, making me look like someone hit me. Ugh. I try to look pretty but the universe keeps ruining my plans.
I was now in front of the bar and was just about to pull the door when someone else did the same. It was Evie!

"Hey!" I greeted happily.
She smiled making my stomach blow up with butterflies. "Hi, we were just leaving for school. Want to join us?" I looked to her left, seeing a tall boy next to her. I looked up at him and smiled slightly: "Hello, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." He smiled back, shaking my outstretched hand. "I'm Zac. It's nice to meet you too."

Meh, I didn't really like or dislike him. He looked kind, but I still was unsure about him. But, if Evie trusts him, I guess I can too. "I'd love to join you. So, what's up?" "Nothing much. Are you excited for the first day of school?" She asked me. "Nah, not really. Never liked school. I feel trapped in there! It's like a prison!" Both of them nodded, agreeing with me.

God, I'm going to have to go to land school? I already finished the siren school and it was not pleasant. The worst is math. Do they have it here too? I hope not...

∞Time skip∞

We were now in a hallway with metal boxes everywhere. "What are those?" I asked both of them. Zac gave me a side eye and said: "You don't know? Those are the lockers!" I looked at him, confused. "For your books and notebooks." Evie finished his sentence.

☄️ A Siren ☄️ Mako Mermaids Evie x fem reader(David x reader too)Where stories live. Discover now