Chapter 3

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Pov: Narrator

Within the colossal compound of the Inumaki clan, we can see two individuals of different stature and posture fighting, one seamlessly smooth, like a water current, whilst the other seems to lack experience and form but nonetheless seems to be using some sort of martial art.

These two individuals are father and son, patriarch and young master, Inumaki Akira, and Kakashi. They have been sparring since dawn, and after a couple of hours, it seems Kakashi is starting to move sluggish, apparently hitting his limit. Breathing heavily, Kakashi's movements falter and his father connects a palm across his chest causing him to fly back mid-air and fall flat on his back, coughing up a mouthful of saliva.

"Jesus dad, are you trying to kill your kid?" said Kakashi between breaths as he rose to his feet weakly. "If I remember correctly, you said something about not wanting to be disappointed with my training, right?" retorted the older man to his son with a smile that left no room to refute. " Whatever you say old man, but can I eat now?" asked Kakashi as his father forbid him from eating anything before they finished training.

"Yes, feel free to have the servants cook you something, but don't eat too much as your training has just begun." With that, Kakashi paid his respects to his father and left the dojo in search of sustenance. Making his way to the kitchen, Kakashi came across his mother teaching Toge how to control his cursed technique, but to no avail.

Watching his brother struggling made him remember all the ideas he would try to propose to help his brother speak properly, but no matter the method it didn't work. This was attributed to the fact that the solution he came up with were based off of things like anime and manga, but said things didn't stop him because he was in one, and after all the solutions he came up with, he was left with only one that he believed should be capable of working in unity with this worlds laws.

These two options should be the most plausible as it isn't going to just remove the cursed energy that is theoretically permanently stuck in Toge's pharynx when he speaks, but should help him store the immense cursed energy that he has within a safe space in the body. While on that train of thought, he contemplated the day Toge spoke his first words, it was overall a very horrific accident.

Before finishing my line of thought however, I accidently walked into one of my mothers maid servants. She was a beautiful girl of Chinese ancestry with night black hair and similar eyes to match. This girls name was Tang Yan. She is 16 years old, but as of a few years ago, she was orphaned because of a cursed spirit, killing her entire family of four.

Since that unfortunate day however, she was saved by an Inumaki clan member and was taken into custody by us. Not long after though, she taken in by my loving mother as a personal maid. "Ah! young master forgive me, I didn't see you and-" before she was able to finish her explanation, I decided to placate her "It's fine Yan'er, you know I wouldn't be upset over such a thing."

"T-Thank you young master, but I should probably get back to my duties." she embarrassingly replied and stormed off before I even dismissed her. 'Well, I guess she's still shy around me...'

Continuing on my way to the kitchen, I found the maids and asked them to prepare me some ginger rice and miso soup while I sat and waited. After being served my food, I took a 30-minute rest before heading back to the dojo where my father awaited me.

Entering the dojo, I saw my father in a lotus position with his eyes closed, but when I closed the door, he immediately shot open his eyes causing me to jump a little from the sudden action.

"You sure took your time." was the first thing he said to me as he rose to his feet to continue our training session."I get that a lot." After finding myself a spot on the tatami mat, my father began to question my fighting style.

"That martial arts of yours... did you learn it from someone?" Luckily, I knew this question was coming, so I prepared a lie just for this occasion."No, It was just instinct." Hopefully he believes that, cause theirs no way I can tell him I used my improved memory that I got after reincarnating, to look back through my memories to practice might guy and Lee's Taijutsu...

"Well, I won't question you anymore, Everyone has their own secrets." With the questions out of the way, we promptly went back to training. My training consisted of many things, whether it be physical exercise that I had no problems doing thanks to my cursed physique, cursed energy manipulation which was similar to how those other energies from anime and manga were practiced. Their wasn't much difference to it whether it was chakra, mana, nen etc. When that was over, we would do weapons training and martial arts training, I wanted to opt out of that class, but father said I still needed to learn the clans martial arts.

Now coming to the end of the class, he would train me using our bloodlines Innate cursed technique, but he quickly took notice of my overwhelmingly huge reserves of cursed energy and the difference within my Innate technique, and that was how much stronger it was. Words of reality, the cursed technique that I wished for, the Inumaki clans cursed speech is basically a watered-down version of my ability with numerous restrictions.

The biggest difference between our techniques is that mine is limitless and has no restriction. I can literally wish for the worlds destruction and it will simply come true, under the condition that I have enough cursed energy, which I doubt would be possible for me as enough cursed energy to destroy this earth would be phantasmal and I may not ever be able to grow that strong with the limited potential that I wished for...

After our cursed technique training, father dismissed me and went back to his office to do his paperwork, one thing I don't look forward to when I become the next head. As I trained in the dojo with father it was a discipline to clean it up after using it, so I was left alone to clean the floor boards and tatami mats, but thankfully not to long after, Toge came to the rescue.

Pov: Inumaki Akira

After my time training Kakashi, I left to attend to my duties as head of the family but while doing my paperwork I couldn't get my son out of my mind, for one specific reason, that being his abilities. His abilities, unlike mine, seem to have more potential and less restrictions, but I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

As I was immersed in my thoughts, I failed to see my wife creep up behind me and embrace my back lovely, as I reveled at the fact that her twin peaks were perched upon my head, she suddenly spoke. "That's not like you to space out dear, is their something on your mind?" After being embraced by my wife for what felt like to short a time, she released me and came to my side and perched her cute but plump rear upon my desk.

"I'm just wondering how much the gods blessed our son honey, he's so talented it's worrying." I wasn't simply worried about the fact that my son seems to be a genius, but I'm worried about the status and expectations that comes with being a genius, whether he will fold under that much pressure and be consumed by it, or will they place him upon a pedestal like Gojo Satoru and praise him as a human god?

I may not be at the top like Gojo Satoru, but I can tell how lonely it is up their. I simply don't wish for my son to live such a life. "You worry too much dear, have you seen that boy properly? He's either always doting or protecting his brother. He'll never be alone, for he has Toge and us." With that said, my wife kissed me on my forehead and attempted to walk out, but something snapped in me upon smelling her sweet cologne.

As I grabbed her, she yelped in surprise, but I could see that coy smile on her graceful face as she's probably delighted about what's to come. "Oh honey, have you finally realized it? you've simply been neglecting your wife too much. Now come here, and let's have some risky, raw, sex like we did in our younger days." To that, I laughed at my wife, and we channeled our inner youth for the next few hours...
"Young master its time to get up." Uhh, I'm so tired... "Hello, young master?" If I hear that one more time, God so help me...

"Mentaiko!" And with that, I flew off my futon and stood at attention. "Brocon at your service, what can I do for you." with that the maid who was previously trying to wake me up visibly deadpanned, in all my 5 years reborn this is this first time I've ever seen an expression like that in reality, and got to say, I love it.

"Tsunamayo." 'You said you would help me convince father to start my training, did you forget?'

"Of course not. How can I, your big bro, forget his promises?" shit, shit, shit I totally slept in and forgot...

"Okaka." 'You definitely forgot, didn't you?' How'd he know? I've been lying with a straight face since the day I was born.

"Konbu." 'Every time you lie, your face literally straightens up...' At this point, Toge was slowly starting to look at me as if I were an exotic animal at a zoo.

"Oh." was all I could manage to say. I was honestly speechless. To this day, I thought I was an effortless liar, but it seems I just became a predictable liar. Well, who cares about that? It's time to start another day of training. Leaving my room with Toge following me, we made it to the dojo, but father was nowhere to be seen. After waiting for what felt like half a stick of incense, I went to check his office, but when he wasn't their I started to get suspicious.

Making my way to my parents' room, I slowly reached out my hand to knock the door but pulled it back right away as I heard moaning...

Quickly leaving, I tried to forget the sound of my mother moaning, but to no avail, I started to curse my improved memory. Heading back to the dojo, I figured if father won't be their to teach us, I'd do it on my own. Standing face to face with Toge, I started to consult with him the method I came up with to help him get his cursed technique under control.

"So brother, I call this method the cursed energy core, basically starting from today you and I will both be meditating for 8 hours a day as we slowly draw out the cursed energy within your throat and form a circular core within your body, sort of like a Dantian." Yes that's right, the method I came up with was to pretty much replicate a mana core that Arthur made when he was but a boy, the only exception is that we'll be using cursed energy and not mana."

"Shake." 'ok.' With the explanation out of the way, I went behind Toge and we both sat in the lotus position as he tried to feel the cursed energy within his throat, I simply sat behind him and helped guide him as Arthur did Lilia. Sitting for 8 hours long was quite the hassle, but if it's for Toge's betterment, I can handle this much, I'm just surprised he hasn't said a word yet.
Pov: Narrator

Waking up to the brilliance of the sun in the Inumaki clan compound is Inumaki Toge, the second young master of the Inumaki clan. Today he was supposed to join his elder twin brother in convincing his father to train him, but it seems his father had other things to attend to, so his brother took it upon himself to train him instead. Standing inside their private dojo, Toge is intently listening to his brothers explanation of how he plans to help him with his cursed technique.

Toge being the gentle and diligent boy he is, promised to always listen to his elder twin brother as he always cared for him deeply, so without asking anything he started to do as he was told without much thought. 'I have to do this, I can't be a burden to Big Brother anymore than I already am.' sitting crossed leg, Toge followed the instructions he was just giving down to the finite details.

'What's this warm feeling in my body?' he asked himself. This feeling Inumaki Toge just grasped was cursed energy, the energy stuck within his throat. 'It's going throughout my whole body and converging to my throat...' no longer thinking about it, Toge took hold of that energy within his throat and tried to slowly move it, but not only was it extremely slow, but the energy put up resistance as if it were alive.

Toge wanted to give up many times and had already accepted his fate of his vocabulary being limited to only rice ball filling names, but when he saw how much his brother didn't accept that, he started to be hopeful that one day, maybe just one day, he would be able to speak freely and until that day came, he would give his all to get there.

So he decided he would put in as much effort to not disappoint him, so he struggled and struggled to moved the negative energy within his body, for hours on end, and he promised himself that no matter how slow the process was he would see it through. With that as his determination the cursed energy in his body responded to his will and slowly started to move faster and faster, With that, Inumaki Toge, 5 years of age was able to grasp a small understanding of cursed energy.
Pov: Kakashi

After sitting for 8 hours and helping Toge, it seems he's finally coming out of the trance he entered, it left me quite curious as to what that was but I put that thought aside and helped him stand. Stretching to relieve the tension in our muscles for sitting that long without moving, I started talking to Toge. "So now that we're finished with that, let's start our martial arts training, all you have to do is follow my lead."


After getting his confirmation, I started performing the stances I pulled from my memory of might guy's Taijutsu. With that, time quickly flew by as I performed the morning peacock, double wolf fang, double piercing fang etc. I was quite impressed by Toge's learning speed, I rarely had to stop to fix his posture as he absorbed everything like a sponge, no wonder he was the only semi-first grade sorcerer in the second years.

"Alright Toge that's enough for today, we will do some physical exercises tomorrow morning before continuing our training, understand." with a nod and smile Toge groggily made his way out of the dojo and into the bath. After checking to see if I was alone, I stayed up the whole night to see if I can form a cursed energy core as well...

And the answer was, yes.

Ok lads and lasses, that will be it for this chapter. If you wish to stay updated with this story, add it to your library.

I also plan to do a little time skip within the next chapter so stick around.

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