Chapter 6 • Nani loa ʻoe

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Rose opened the door, shuffling out loudly. "Can I get a cup of coffee? We were up late last night." Buddy stayed silent for a second, before bursting out laughing at herself. "I'm so sorry. Yes, yes you can. What kind?" "Black coffee, four pumps of espresso. And what was so funny?" "Oh, just my cluttered mind. I just brushed off an almost-theory." Buddy turned around and started making the coffee, tapping her foot to a rhythm stuck in her head.

Nyx walks in, in an oversized sweater, wearing the same skirt as the days before. She couldn't really make the bottoms work out like she did the top. "Auwe, honi au iā ʻoe i kēia manawa." Rose stared at Nyx. "Hmmm. I don't recall that one." Said Nyx. "What're you saying, Rose?"

Trixie nearly spit her tea everywhere. "Dang Rose! That was unexpected." "Oh my gods. Bea, what'd they say?" Buddy slid the coffee over to Rosemary. "Yeah, what did she say?" Nyx joined. "I don't think they'd want me to say." 

"Bummer!" Buddy said. "Just another cafe mystery. You've gotta get used to these, Monique." Nyx told her. "Well, I've had to endure worse." Buddy shrugged. Trixie drank the rest of her tea, setting her cup in the sink and coming to sit with the others.

Rosemary made her way to the pantry. "Hey, Trixie, you know a little Hawaiian. What does "Nani loa ʻoe" mean?" Nyx asked. "Oh it means You're so Beautiful. Why?" "Does it?? That's... very cool. Just asking, as I heard it somewhere. The person looked very genuine when saying it." Nyx made a super-mega-totally convincing story. Trixie looked at Buddy trying not to laugh, Buddy looked back also trying not to laugh. "I totally believe you Nyx." Trixie said. Buddy just nodded, holding in her laugh, before heading back to the kitchen and letting it out.

Rosemary lied down on the floor of the pantry looking up at the ceiling. "I'm such an idiot!" she grumbled quietly.

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