An Old Vanillian Family Friend

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After that entire mess of a meeting, all the Cookies went back home. The consul went back to the republic, the so called guardians to Cappuccino Cookie's home in the Cookie Kingdom, and the Ancients back to their kingdoms. Although the king of the Cacao Kingdom got a bit out of hand with his anger, he was right. How could they trust random cookies without much proof? There was one thing that stuck to the Ancients' minds, 'When you find the books, you'll finally understand.'
Pure Vanilla Cookie's POV:

I was working on some paper work for the kingdom. It was a giant pile of papers and I have been working on this for a few hours now. It just seemed like the stack of papers never got smaller. I was too distracted to notice my surroundings right now. Too distracted to hear someone knock on the door and call my name. "Vanilla?" A soft voice said snapping me out of my train of thought. I turn around while grabbing my vanilla orchid staff to see it was White Lily Cookie. "Oh, Lily! Please forgive me I was distracted with all the paper work." "Oh, well I'm sorry for bothering you, I have been looking for you every where. I asked Vanilla Ice Cream Cookie and he told me you were in your office." "Oh, well no need to say sorry for this White Lily. So, do you need anything?" White Lily Cookie hesitated for a little before speaking, "I was wondering if you know where I left my books... when I moved in to the castle..." I was trying to remember what books she meant, "Uhm... the ones that you took during- the entire incident?" "Yes..." she said very quietly. "Hmm, I don't think you brought any books back, Lily." "Oh... I'm must've left them back at the old castle..." she said with a tone of worry in her voice. I noticed this, but before I could even ask anything, I got interrupted, "Well, I'm going to go back to the- old castle to get the books... if anything, I'll send a blueberry bird." She said leaving and closing the door. "Oh... ok..."

I was still worried about White Lily Cookie. She barely was able revert from Dark Enchantress Cookie to herself. Sometimes I think she is still fighting against herself- Dark Enchantress Cookie. Oh who am I kidding, I worry about everyone... especially when it comes to my closest friends and loved ones. "Hm... books..." I said turning back to my paper work. 'Find what books?' I thought. What- no, not this question again... this question has been stuck in my mind ever since the meeting. I try to ignore the question for now and continued with my work. 'Finally understand what exactly?' Another question popped in my mind. I stopped writing. "Ugh!" I groan as I lay my head on the table. "How am I supposed to finish my work if I getting distracted..." I muttered to myself. I pick up my head and look at all the work I have to do. "This is going to be a long day..."
-hours later-

It was getting late and I was almost done with my paper work. I look outside to see the moon shining up in the the night sky. I go through my pockets to take out my phone. Checking the one, I see it was already 9:00 pm. "Wow... I really lost track of time." I said to myself. I look at what I had left to work with. 'Maybe I should finish this tomorrow morning.' I thought to myself. I just need to check when these papers are due. I looked through each paper to see the due dates. I hummed in response and checked the calendar on my phone. "April... 10... and the papers are due... hmm." I started mumbling to myself. "Next week. Alright then..." i said while putting my phone away and grabbing my staff. I got up from my seat and put all the papers to the side to finish tomorrow.

As I was exiting the office I turned off the lights and closed the door. The hallways were dimly lit, which I'm sure Vanilla Ice Cream Cookie knew I was still working. I started walking to my chambers. After a bit, I heard some shuffling behind me. I turned around to see nothing. "Huh..." I turned back to continue walking to my chambers. I entered my room and went to my drawers to grab some night cloths. I changed into the night cloths and got to my bed. Placing my staff next to the bed and my phone on the beside night table, I turned off the lights and went into the covers. The same questions started popping in my head, 'what books will help me understand?' I keep on trying to ignore it, but the same questions loop back in my head. "Meow." I heard a cat meow as I felt something get on the bed. I look around to see an outline of a cat. It was my cat choco. "Oh choco..." was all I said as I yawned. Letting the cat lay in the bed, I started dozing off into sleep.
-Strawberry Jam (Blood) Warning-

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