Cacaoian Family Chaotic Friend

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Dark Cacao Cookie's POV:

I was sitting in my throne room sitting in my throne while reading paper work I had just received. I've been struggling in keeping up with all the work I had to do ever since I came back to my kingdom. I don't really know how to explain it. Ever since that mess of a meeting, I haven't been able to concentrate on anything. Just crazy thoughts that just lead to memories of what happened when my friends and I were in school. None of this helped me with my paper work. I groaned as I put my hand on my face in frustration.

"BAHAHAHA!" I heard laughter echoed through the halls.

"Huh?" I took my hand away from my face. "Who on Earthbread was that?" I just shrugged it off and tried reading the papers again. Someone then knocked on the doors. "Come in." A guard came in with more papers. "Uhm, your majesty, you have more paper work." They walked up to me, handing the papers. "Thank you..." "Have a good day, King Dark Cacao Cookie." They said leaving. "Wait." I called out before they closed the doors. "Yes, your majesty?" "Tell whoever was laughing earlier to keep it down." "Laughing?" "Yes I heard someone laughing earlier, just tell them to keep it down." "Uhm, no one was laughing earlier, sir..." "Hmm, you may leave." They guard left with an expression of confusion and concern. No one was laughing? I swear I heard the sound of laughter through the halls. I just tried to ignore this and went back to struggling to finish my work.
-Hours Later-

I some how managed to finish my work for today. I was walking through the halls and exited to walk on the citadel walls. The night sky was clear. The stars twinkled in the sky like jewels and the moon was as bright as ever. The cold wind blew through the walls. It felt rather warmer than the winter wind. "Hmm, spring is coming the the Cacao Kingdom..." I took a deep breath of the cold air. "What is going on for the past few days?" I said in frustration. I then walked back in the castle to head to my chambers to rest for the night.

As I was walking I heard someone trying to hold in their laughter as they walked behind me. I turned around to see nobody at the sounds just stopped. "I must be going crazy." I muttered. I continued walking to my chambers to then feel like someone was on my shoulders. I turned around again to have the feeling disappear and nothing there. "What the fuck is going on..." I turned back again and went to my chambers. I opened the door and entered. As I was about to close it I heard some one knock on the door. I opened the door to see no one. "I swear to the Divine..." I closed the door and went to change to something more suitable to sleep in.

I walked over to my bed at sat at the edge. I placed my face in my hands as I mumbled something under my breath. I was exhausted from these past few days. Something just doesn't feel right, but I couldn't think of what it could be. I couldn't even think properly. I laid down on the bed to try and get to sleep. I didn't put the covers over me since I don't really feel the cold, though I always end up waking up with the covers over me. I closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep in this peaceful night.
I open my eyes to realize I wasn't in multiple chambers. I wasn't even in my kingdom. "What the- where am I?" I looked around to see I was in a completely different castle. A castle I have never seen before. The walls were of stone and through the halls were carpets of yellow and silver. I looked around to see armor figures against the walls. Most likely just for show. I faced on way of the hall to see there was nobody. I turn to see it empty as well. "Where is this place?" I decided to find an exit. As I took a step, something sharp fell right in front of me, nearly piercing me.

I looked down to see a spear stuck on the floor. It had barley pierced the ground. I went to grab it, but some random kid had jumped over me, grabbed the spear, and unstuck it from the ground as they landed. The kid had short red hair and wore armor that looked like it was made of dragon scales that even had a dragon like tail. Some parts looked yellow while the rest was red. They just didn't have a helmet. The kid started laughing like a maniac and stared running off. "BWAHAHAHA, YOU GUYS CAN'T CATCH ME!!!" They shouted. "MIRACLE, PUT ON YOUR HELMET." I heard someone older yell from the other side of the hall. I turn to see four older kids running the same direct the armored kid ran. One of them held a helmet that has plumes as one plume is curved forward. It had dark red horns that curved inward. There was two spikes from the lower part of the helmet that was going over the visor making it seem it had sharp teeth.

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