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Erika Smith had her eyes focused on the writings in the book she held. Just a random book she found on one of her cousin's shelves but she took an interest in it. Her body slouched against the chair she was sitting on by the window, feeling the warmth of the sun hitting her skin. 

Her lips were confined between her teeth, her eyebrows furrowed as her pupils followed the words intensely, her focus solely on the content of the book. She was much too invested that she couldn't even hear the voice of her cousin who had just entered the room, calling her name multiple times already. It was only when she caught a glimpse of his shadow over the pages of the book that she noticed his presence. 

She looked up, seeing the tall man standing in front of her, intimidating eyes and thick brows staring down at her, his hands crossed over his chest in a serious demeanor. She could sense the tension in his shoulders, which only proved the situation to be a serious one. She took a sharp inhale, closing the book shut quickly that she forgot to mark the page she had stopped at. She cursed herself silently for having forgotten that. 

"Is everything okay?" The girl questioned, her tone careful and polite but curious all the same. 

"We need to talk," he commanded, turning around to lead her to the living room or somewhere less private than her room. 

She followed after him, watching as he took a seat in an armchair. She followed his action, taking a seat on the sofa across from him. He leaned back against the chair, his eyes still holding the same sentiment as before. "What's this about?" She asked again. 

"I know you signed up to be a Cadet," he plainly said, though his eyes contradicted the calmness in his voice. 

Upon hearing his words, her green-colored orbs widened, and another curse to herself sent in silence. "I can expl-"

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

"Because I know you'd react this way!" She defended lightly. 

"Then why apply?" 

"Because I want to help. Like you helped!" She let out, though she knew that wasn't really the reason. "Why are you so against it, Erwin?" 

"You know why," he firmly said, leaning forward, eyes more stern than before. If that was even possible. "I've watched many of my comrades die and I don't want you to meet the same end." 

"That's because you're a Scout. I don't have to be a Scout," she reasoned. "I can be in a Military Police-"

"And if you don't qualify for it?"

"I'd have the Garrison Regiment," she said plainly. 

"So you'd choose those over the Scout Regiment?" He asked, tone steady as his brows quirked. 

It took the young girl a second to reply. Her head was tilted down, her tone lowered as she let out a small "No."

"That's what I thought," he replied in a matter-of-factly tone. "I don't want to have to worry about you-"

"Then what about me?" She suddenly asked, her voice louder than before, almost angry. When she saw the puzzled look on his complexion, she continued, "I have to stay home every day and worry for you! I have to wait days and days for you to come back home!"


"Then, even when you all have returned, I still have to search for you in the crowd! Because there is no guarantee that you're safe! That you're alive! I've already lost most of my family, I can't lose you too!" She vented, her eyes full of emotion as her words slipped out of her tongue. "But I can't stop you from achieving your goals," she added, her voice now lowered. "So you can't stop me either. Whether you approve or not, I will join to become a Cadet." 

Wanting You. | An Armin Arlert FanFiction. | Attack on Titan.Where stories live. Discover now