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"It'll be worth saving him, I promise."

"In the meantime, I need you to tell us exactly what happened," Erwin gently requested, telling the girl to take a seat on the chair across his desk.

She did as told, settling within the fabric of the chair. Erwin sat across her, his hands on the table as his eyes studied her, waiting for her words. The rest of their company scattered the room, all nearby to listen to every word that escaped Erika's lips.

"Tonight was supposed to be our initiation night," she began. "We were supposed to choose our paths. In the meantime, the Garrisons told us to do some work while we wait for tonight. Eren and I and some of our friends were told to clean the cannons on top of the Wall. And out of nowhere, the Colossal Titan appeared. And I told the others to go get backup while Eren and I fight-"

"You fought the Colossal Titan?!" Erwin's voice raised slightly.

"How was it? It must've been marvelous!" Section Commander Hange blushed as her eyes were shining excitedly.


"What were you thinking?" Erwin frowned, rubbing his temples as his head shook.

"Eren... He just... Jumped," she tried to defend herself. "I know it wasn't the most rational thing to do but at least there's a better chance of him surviving if I helped. And we almost got it. We really did."

"Is that so?" Captain Levi drawled out, his body leaning against the wall while he had his arms crossed. His brow rose in question, dark grey eyes boring deeply into Erika's orbs.

Upon meeting his eyes, she couldn't help but stammer out a "Y-Yes," while her cheeks drowned in light maroon. "We had an opening and everything but then... It just disappeared. We didn't know where it went but backup had already arrived so we were told to give our report to the person in charge. Then we were separated into squads and everyone in my squad... They died," she lowly said the last bit, head looked down in disappointment. "When I met up with everyone else, Armin- He's Eren's best friend and he was in Eren's squad. Armin, said Eren died saving him. But I guess he didn't..."

Erika continued to explain what had happened afterward, and the adults in the room attentively listened to every word. When the time arrived for them to leave for the trial, Erika was instructed to stay in the room, earning objections from the girl. 

But she was left with no other choice except to accept the deal. It took some time but the evening arrived and the doors suddenly swung open. Familiar figures entered the room, lastly followed by Eren. 

He was wearing a buttoned-up white shirt though the top button was left open. He had some bruises on his complexion, his eyes staring down at the floor. When his gaze rose, his vision met Erika's. His eyes widened, clearly shocked to see her. But before he could say anything, the girl lunged forward and brought him into a tight hug.

"What are you doing here?" He finally asked, letting himself relax in her embrace.

"I was waiting for you," she hummed, eventually letting him go. "I was really worried. We all were," she pursed her lips.

"How's everyone?"

"Hopefully they're fine. But I left earlier and I haven't seen them since," the girl shrugged, leading him to the couch.

Eren was then bombarded by the Section Commander, earning a bunch of peculiar questions from them. Erika decided to make some tea for everyone, keeping her ears open to the conversation taking place surrounding her. 

When she came to sit beside Eren after handing everyone a cup of tea, Captain Levi took a seat on Eren's other side, briefly meeting Erika's eyes before he looked at Eren. The girl immediately looked away, feeling her cheeks flush against her skin. She caught sight of Hange's eyes on her and saw the Section Commander's tiny smirk, causing Erika to blush harder.

"Tell me, Eren," Levi began, his voice as deep as the last time Erika remembered hearing him.

Time passed and the sun was slowly leaving its crevices, indicating to the group their supposed next actions. Alongside Erika, Erwin, and a few others had to go to the delayed initiation night. 

"The rest of us still haven't chosen where to go, you know?" Erika chuckled when she saw Eren's confusion. "I'm meeting the others later. Anything you want me to tell them?"

"Hmm," Eren prodded his mind. "Can you please tell Armin and Mikasa thank you for helping me?"

"Of course," she smiled, pulling him in for another hug. "I'll see you soon, Ren."

While Eren was left behind, the others made their way to their destination. Upon reaching the yard, Erika waved goodbye to her cousin and his friends before finding her own. She caught sight of the familiar faces who welcomed her with open arms.

"We couldn't find you earlier. We thought something had happened!" Armin expressed his worry.

From the corner of his eye, Erwin noticed his younger cousin with a certain boy, her eyes lighting up just by looking at him. Almost understanding instantly what that look meant, Erwin couldn't help but let a small smile grace his lips. Maybe it wasn't the worse decision to have let Erika join the military.

"Armin, Mikasa, I saw Eren just now," Erika explained.

"You did? How is he?" Mikasa rambled, wide-eyed.

"He's fine, really. But he told me to tell you both something," she added before she proceeded to let them know of Eren's words.

After Erwin's speech, the cadets were left to their own to finally decide their path and Erika couldn't help but notice the flicker of trouble haunting Jean's eyes. She approached him carefully, placing a hand on his shoulder to notify him of her presence.

"Where's Marco?" She asked, her eyes roaming their surroundings, missing the familiar figure.

Jean looked into her green-colored eyes, his very own orbs beginning to flinch in unsettlement. "He's gone," he gulped, swallowing the thick lump that was stuck in his throat, his gaze stolen by the ground.

It took Erika almost a second to fully grasp the meaning behind his words. She let her hand travel to his, lacing their fingers together while she gave him a slight squeeze of reassurance. She leaned her head on his arm, watching the fire burning in front of their eyes.

"I'm sure it'll be alright." 

Wanting You. | An Armin Arlert FanFiction. | Attack on Titan.Where stories live. Discover now