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The giggles and laughter that came from Erika had faded into silence. The sentiment she was sharing with her friends was replaced by one of darker origin. Her green eyes widened in fear, shock overflowing her being as her vision was filled with the giant burning Titan just a few meters away from her. 

fingers quickly went to grab at her gear noticing one of her friends had fallen off the Wall. But Sasha had gotten to him first. Just then, Erika's vision was pulled towards Eren who had gone head-first into battle with the Colossal Titan. 

"EREN, DON'T!" She called out, feeling the surrounding rising with temperature, her view slightly clouded by the steam emitted by the monster. But her call was too late as the boy had already jumped off. "Everyone, go and inform the situation! Eren and I will stall for as long as we can!" She instructed, earning nods and affirmations from her friends. 

The girl then initiated her gear, joining Eren in a fight against the Titan. Her wrists moved swiftly as her blades penetrated deeply into the flesh of the monster. She landed a hand to Eren, leading him to get the perfect opportunity behind the Titan's nape; it's vital point. 

And both Erika and Eren believed he could have succeeded had it not been for the Titan's sudden dismissal. Shocked faces were painted on both the teens' faces. Erika had her gear hooked onto the Titan's body. With it suddenly gone, she almost fell but quickly got to the Wall. She panted upon reaching the top, reunited with Eren who held the same sentiment. 

"What the hell were you thinking charging like that?" She approached him, hitting his arm. "That was dangerous! You could have gotten really hurt, Eren!" She added, eyes furious before she wrapped her arms around him tightly. "Don't do that shit again." 

"You went in, too!" He pointed out. 

"Only to help you and make sure you didn't kill yourself!" 

"We're both fine in the end. You saw how I almost got it though, right?" He suddenly shifted the situation. 

"Yeah, I did," she nodded, lips pursed with unsettlement. 

Just before she could say anything more, she was interrupted by a member of the Garrison Regiment who began to scold Erika and Eren for charging into battle. The two were then brought back to headquarters to report the situation before being reunited with everyone else to be assigned tasks and squads. Upon reaching the yard, Erika quickly found Armin.

"Hey," she smiled upon reaching him.

"Erika, where were you? Sasha said you were fighting the Colossal Titan. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He rambled, soft hands going to the girl's arms as his eyes roamed her figure. 

"I'm fine, Armin," she chuckled, her voice one of assurance. 

Not long after their short-lived reunion, the two were told to line up according to the names called. Armin and Eren, alongside a few others, were assigned the same squad. However, Erika was assigned to another squad. 

Moving as a group, Erika led the others to the town, weapons at the ready to slay any Titans seen. Maybe because it was their first time but the others were so easily thrown off by the mere sight of the creature. They managed to kill a few Titans before one of the boys in the squad was caught in a Titan's mouth. 

Erika's eyes widened, watching in horror as the Titan began chewing the boy in half. She quickly diminished her fear, her legs moving fast to jump and slice the nape of the Titan. But it was too late for the boy. Since the boy's death, the rest of Erika's squad began to slowly lose focus, too invested in the terrifying demise they could meet. 

Wanting You. | An Armin Arlert FanFiction. | Attack on Titan.Where stories live. Discover now