20)"Then take what is yours,"

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Ava POV:

I'll say a few months ago, two individuals, well, I shouldn't even call them that. Two whores got away and shot my Chrissy boo. 

I loathe that woman, and then she shot him. What a useless bitch. 

I genuinely felt sad and angry at the moment. But when I saw him bleeding on the floor, dying in my hands, his face pale, I knew. I knew I didn't need him anymore. 

I finished him off while they were chasing those prostitutes. A bullet to the head. "Get rid of him, he's getting on my carpet," I said to the men. They immediately nodded and dragged him away. 

Not Chris's men, but mine. He thinks he's the head of the Cartel, but he's not. El was in command and works for me. It's almost comical how powerful Chris thought he was. 

I sit up, wiping his blood from my hands on my shirt, enjoying the redness it created. 

I get so thrilled about blood. 

"Bring me my phone. I need to call my father "When I told them, Sinister instantly ran to get my phone. They were aware of the consequences if they did not. 

The torment I would inflict on them makes me smile. 

Handing me my phone, I dialed my father's number waiting for him to pick up. I walk over to the kitchen hallway. 

"What did you do this time, Ava?" my father asks, making me laugh. 

"You know me so well, father," I grin when I hear him chuckle. 

"Of course, I know my daughter; she's just like her father. You already know how we Russians are "I nod, knowing he can't see me. 

"I'm afraid I have some awful news for you, papa. Chris is no longer alive "I put on a phony pout and pluck at my nails. 

"What! I thought he was under your control" I roll my eyes as Dad growls into the phone. 

"Yeah, until that bitch and Alessandro's sister escaped, killing Chris in the process," I answer, turning back when Sinister says something. 

"Hold on, pa," I say, my gaze fixed on Sinister. "It had better be important." 

"The device we inserted has their location," he explains, and I nod. 

"Keep an eye on them. Bring her back; I don't care about the other small girl. Notify our Mafia's assassins. If you get caught, you'll end up like him "I say to him, and he nods and walks away. 

"You know, Ava, if we don't have her, our plan won't succeed. We must show that we are in control and seize what is ours." Papa says. 

"I know, I know, but Chris ruined everything by becoming too attached to her. I had to sedate him and start telling him what to do and speak. It was dreadful, Papa "I say this while giggling and dancing around. 

He had no idea I was using him all these years. tsk. Such a gullible moron. 

It was both sad for him and fortunate for me. It was entertaining while it lasted. 

"That's my girl, make sure you destroy them. Remember the stories I told you? Remember how he hurt you as well. What he done to your fragile heart." He says, and I immediately stop dancing, my head blank with wrath. 

"I told you not to bring it up. He is mine and I will have him. Even if it means hurting her to show him that if I can't be happy, he won't be either." I say laughing.  

"Then take what is yours," he replies as he hangs up the phone. 

That is where I am now. As I peer through the binoculars at the open window where this foolish woman is staying, I watch the scene in front of me. 

The tiara was merely a distraction in order to capture Thalia, but it appears that this did not go as planned. And now I'm forced to engage in childish activities. 

Not that I mind, I like getting my hands dirty 

I watch as the doctor who was just in there walks down to his car. I grin as I lower my binoculars. 

I signal Sinister to take him as I emerge from the bushes. I observe him as he runs quickly and stealthily towards the men. 

He brings him over to me after hitting him in the stomach and knocking him out with chlorofoam. I massage his head as he approaches. "Well done, Sinister; now let us send a message." 

Sinister offers me a maniacal smile, which causes me to cackle. 

This is going to be so much fun. 

Author Note:

So that's out, how we feeling?

Did you know? Or was this a suprise?

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798 Words

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