31)"Is it finished?"

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This chapter will contain slight abuse

Thalia POV:

I quickly avoid being caught as I flee through the back door. When the car approaches, I quietly open the passenger door and enter. I reached into the backseat for a coat to conceal my slightly naked body. My breathing was uneven, and to put it mildly, I was irritated.

Were they kissing? Did he care that I was here? Is he even looking for me? In fact, does he give a damn? Was all we were up to merely a game to him? Was I too blind to see that he took me as a joke?

Was he mad at me? Does he think I betrayed him? Did he miss me?

He obviously didn't because he's out kissing and hanging out with other girls. I can't even be angry because we're not together. We just had one date, it wasn't like it was special or anything.

I know I overthink things, but I can't help myself when I see him so close to another girl and I'm doing everything I can for the people I care about. What I am doing is not willingly. Infact I'll rather not do this bullshit.

"Is it done?" Mikhail says, whipping the car out of the parking lot and raising his eyebrows at me.

I sneer, "Keep your fucking eyes on the road." I don't want to talk to him, in fact, I don't want to be here. "Feisty as ever, I like it," he chuckles as he returns his gaze to the road.

I stare over at him, wanting to sever his throat, but I know the minute I do, they'll use 'it' on me. As they have been doing for a year.

Fucking cowards

"You look like you want to murder me," he says.

"You have no idea," I mumble.

We drive the rest of the way in silence, arriving at our destination for the week. When he reverses in the garage with one hand, I open my door. As I opened the door, my heels clicked on the marble floors.

I was trapped, and all I wanted to do was get out of here. I needed to figure out how to acquire it without getting zapped. When Mikhail placed his hands on the small of my back, I sighed. "Get your fucking hands off me before you lose your dick"

He sighs and murmurs, "If only you could hurt me."

"I would," I respond as I tap his shoulder and go away to the bastards' room.

I knock on his door and wait for a response. I open the door when I hear his voice. The smell brings back memories of the day it all began.

1 year ago....

I've been here with this dude for a month now, and I swear he's quite scary. He's continually looking at me, almost as if he's analyzing me. He didn't beat me, and I'm not sure if he intends to. I believe he is waiting for me to drop my guard, but I will not.

I would never do that ever

My mother was also dragged; he had her heavily medicated on something that rendered her immobile. I wanted to help her, but they had other plans for me.

Sticking something in my neck watching as they drag her somewhere

I was sorry. I feel responsible for putting her in this situation. She wouldn't have been kidnapped if I hadn't wanted to meet up with her.

I was sitting in the room he had given me. I tried to leave several times but couldn't since the door was locked. I looked for windows, air vents, and even tried to kick a hole in the wall. But it didn't work, and I was stuck.

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