''''God said "it'll never happen again." period.''

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Honestly, it's been a couple days since I've even thought about writing.
Not that I've forgotten I'm trying to tell a story. Oh God and everyone else knows I know I'm still trying to tell this story.
Honestly because it's amazing. Truly. not-me-amazing. not-give-me money-amazing. Him-amazing.
And honestly I just wanted to share.
I can't say where I left off the other night, but I can say I was rather gone, if you know what I mean. (Lol Nikki)
Anyway, childhood- basic. Teenage-hood- basic.
After fifteen? I was on my own. Basically anyway I just one day started spending the night at different people's places and never came home. Well mama did tell me I'd better be gone by the time she got back or she'd call the cops.
Not because Id hurt anybody or broke or stole anything. No, I'd simply stayed out all night and had gotten high. If they'd just left me alone, I'd have probably cleaned the house or something, I mean come on do you not know what the stuff does to people.? I mean both my life-givers have been on this same road yet I was never offered rehab before the you better be gone before the cops yada yada yada. Yep. Straight A's mostly. Lol and still- despite hardly showing up for school anymore at that point.
She left me choking on dust, begging, screaming, crying on my knees in the middle of a dirty gravel driveway.
Two days later, I caught the one and only felony I'll ever catch. You can say, for sure, 100% Sean will NEVER take another charge for anyone ever AGAIN.
Damn. It's 11:53 pm.
I'm supposed to be flying to Dallas TX this week sometime to go to a treatment center called GreenHouse or GreenBriar or something. Who knows.? Fingers crossed! God lead my ways.0'?ckck
Oh crap, sorry I had to stretch. (LOL Nikki)

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