..and I'm an addict.

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One .. :]
..Admitted we were powerless
over our addictions
and our lives had become unmanageable
  ::God I hate the repetition.
It's so.. constant. Every single meeting. Nevermind the fact that Ive already accustomed myself to knowing yes my mind is about to wander.
Maybe that's even why I'm still here - in these rooms I mean.
Still it never ceases to amaze me at just how far sometimes.
Back to the rape.
Back to the running away.
Back to the widowness.
An absolute ,self-piteous,
al-anomic victim of the devil's beloved death by an even moreself- sickening self-pleasure .
And still it's one of the world's pedestals adorned for; by; adored billions.
I'll probably never know the answer to my now constant question. 'Why do I use? Really I mean.
Why do I use?
The points still sting more highly than you'd think after all these years and If always hated needles anyway.



I swear to God sorry father for taking your name in vain but man fuck. Sometimes it's just draining you know. DRUGS. DRUGS and constant praise. From everyone around me.
;Oh you're so talented. Oh wow. You can sing.
And best of all, sincerely,  was a recent thank you. I'll be forever grateful to you. (Lol)
So I figured out young that not everyone is who they seem and; too, thats not actually always bad. People chattered sidelong among their fiendish friends kinda like they do now where Horror stories emerge from fantasied relationships that many once adorned with an intriguing fascination I never once fancied.
Situations would arise and tempers soon flared and what was

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