Chapter 1/10: Illusion

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"Don't sweat, Don't spit, Don't sneeze, Don't cry, You spill a drop and you'll surely die." Rebecka said. Michael her father looked at her and told her to repeat it. Rebecka sighed and repeated it, "Again" Michael said, Rebecka looked annoyed at him and repeated it again. After repeating it a couple times, they finally went outside.

Rebecka and Michael were walking on the streets, the streets were completely empty, with no life whatsoever. Rebecka looked around her while she was walking, this was her first day on Patrol with Michael, "Becka lets go to that house over there" Michael said. He pointed to a house broken open, it was a good place to find recourses and supplies for their shelter. They went in the house and looked around for anything useful for their trip, Michael was in the kitchen looking for food, while Rebecka was finding stuff lying around in the living room. They eventually didn't find much only some batteries, and 2 cans of soup. After the house they continued their Journey to find more places to look, Michael was focusing on finding a new house to search but he's focus suddenly got interrupted when he heard a little alarm going off, it came from Rebecka. He turned around to see what it was and saw that her 'Cooler Device' was low on battery. A cooler device was invented for the apocalypse to prevent you from sweating , by making you cool up, it was mostly convenient for the summer, It was 19 September 2030 at the moment and the apocalypse started 10 years ago in 2020. Michael quickly walked to Rebecka to check her batteries, he grabbed he's own Cooler and switched it with hers, he just putted new batteries in he's cooler so it should survive for long. Rebecka didn't look happy though and looked mad at him "I don't want to do this anymore." Michael looked at her confused "What do you mean?" Rebecka replied: "This all, living in this constant fear, not being able to normally go outside." Michael tried to stay calm, "Rebecka please let's not to this right now ok?" Rebecka ignored him and continued "WE CANT EVEN DRINK NORMAL WATER, WHY DO WE KEEP LIVING LIKE THIS!" "Rebecka please calm your ass down" Michael said , but Rebecka continued anyway "WHY DO HAVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS, WHY DO HAVE TO LIVE WITHOUT MOM!" Michael got triggered and lost he's calm "YOU KNOW WHY! You know why we have to live like this, why we have to live without your mom, now please lets just get this over with" Michael continued walking and Rebecka stopped, and she punched a machine nearby out of frustration. But the machine suddenly started shaking. Michael looked behind him at the machine, and saw that it was a drink water machine. Because of Rebecka's punch the water starting flowing out. "REBECKA WE NEED TO GO, NOW!" Michael yelled, he quickly grabbed her and ran to a close shelter to stay hidden. Everyone called the zombies Drowners, and Rebecka heard a Drowner going towards the water. They quickly started hiding in the shelter waiting for the Drowner to go away. Michael and Rebecka were both stressing a lot Michael got mad at Rebecka and shouted at her "WHAT DID YOU DO REBECKA, YOU NEED TO CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS!." But while he shouted at her she saw something on he's face that started her to freak out "Dad." She said. He looked confused at her and felt on he's face to see what it was, he then saw he was sweating. Right when he realized he was sweating he heard another Drowner bumping against their door. Michael quickly gave Rebecka instructions "Shit, Rebecka you got to go you can't stay here, go to the Shelter!" Rebecka looked sad "But I don't want to leave you!" he replied: "You won't, just go to the Hideout and wait for the others, I will come back!" The Drowner was starting to break the door. "GO NOW!" Michael said.

Rebecka knew he was lying and wouldn't come back so with struggling not to cry she ran away from the shelter, but while she was running she could hear Michael's screams as how he got torn apart by the Drowners, when she wanted to get out a Drowner popped up in front of her, it was looking at her with it's creepy face and Rebecka almost freaked out but remembered to stay calm and looked back at it with a straight face not dropping a single drop of sweat our tears from her fathers death. Eventually the Drowner went away because it didn't sense any fluids on her. Rebecka took a deep breath her heart was bumping like crazy over their but she still managed to stay calm, she felt very delighted when she got away from it, she quickly continued to get away from their and headed to the Hideout.

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