Chapter 2/10: Water from the Sky

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Henry was running, running as fast as he could to get away from the Drowners, he did not know that Rebecka wasn't to far behind him. When Henry felt safe he stopped to catch he's breath, he didn't exactly know where he was but then he saw a nightclub. He went into their because there wasn't really somewhere else to go. Rebecka started to catch on to him and saw him going into a nightclub. Henry went inside and wanted to close the door behind him but then he suddenly heard Rebecka's voice. "HENRY, WAIT FOR ME!" he heard, Henry was surprised to see her alive he walked to her. He was standing in front of her, Rebecka became mad though and started yelling "YOU LEFT US THERE, TO DIE!" Henry also started yelling: "I LEFT YALL THERE? THEN WHERE'S VECTOR HUH? DIDN'T YOU LEAVE HIM TO?!" Rebecka tried to explain saying it wasn't the same because were to many Drowners, but henry didn't care and told she was just as guilty as him. Rebecka pushed him out of frustration but in her mind, she believed him. Henry just looked at her and said: "Come on the rest is probably dead, lets go in that night club." Rebecka was in doubt though: " Are you sure their dead? Maybe Jordan is looking for us" But Henry denied and told her the same, "No their probably dead" Jordan and Rebecka went in the night club.

Meanwhile with Jordan and Vector they were walking but at a point they didn't know where to go as the blood spores quickly stopped. "Where now?" Vector asked worried. Jordan sighed: "I don't know, let me think" Jordan found a seat bench to sit on real quick. "Alright Vector, where would you go if you would run to safety?" Jordan asked. Vector didn't know "I guess I would just go a random direction" Jordan didn't had a lot with that answer though. Vector looked worried at Jordan "Maybe they went back to the hideout?" Jordan quickly answered: "The hideout is destroyed Vector there didn't anything to go back for. Jordan and Vector were at a pretty open place so they can be anywhere. Jordan came with an idea: "Lets find the nearest place that's not so open, if you would ran for safety I wouldn't ran in the open" Vector liked the idea and went to the most closest route that was less open in the hope to find Rebecka and Henry. While they were walking Vector suddenly had an question: "Hey I wonder, what kind of mental problem does Henry have, I never noticed anything." Jordan answered: "He just has some mental issues, Sudden Temper Tantrums, aggressive mood swings. You never noticed anything because he used medicine for it Michael had a lot with him and gave me some to for Henry. He himself also had medicine with him, but when he ran out of the house he left all he's stuff meaning also he's medicine, all he probably has now is he's gun and maybe some left over pills to help him, But he needs to take 2 every day so if we don't find him quick he's pills will run out and he will turn into a dangerous person for Rebecka." Vector looked surprised: "Damn, we got to find him quick, how many do you think he has left?" Jordan answered: "That's the thing Vector, I really don't know."

Back with Rebecka and Henry when they went in the night club they grabbed their flashlights to see somethings. "I don't think we should be here Henry, this place is pretty big there could easily be Drowners hiding here." Rebecka said worried. But Henry reassured her that they were alright: "Don't worry Drowners search for water, they don't just stick around at one place, if there aren't any fluids they wont come." Rebecka became a little more relaxed but still worried. They started using the flashlights to find a light switch, they were looking around and suddenly Rebecka startled as she found a skeleton body on the ground but when she did her flashlight further she founded skeleton bodies all over the dancefloor from the club. "What happened here?" Rebecka said scared and worried. Suddenly Henry shouted that he found the light switch "Becca I found it!" Henry flipped the light switch and the whole room lighted up. Henry now also saw the bodies on the dancefloor, there were a lot of them there. "Maybe this wasn't such a smart place to sleep here for the night" Henry said. Rebecka looked at him confused: "wait were going to sleep here?!" Henry answered: "Yeah unless you want to chill with those Drowners outside for the night" Rebecka answered quickly: "No I'm good I will just sleep with these disgusting bodies, they stink, it looks like they got shot or something, I think this place hasn't been entered since outbreak day." "Yeah probably" Henry replied. Alright let's go find a place to sleep. Henry and Rebecka went to a search trough the night club to see if there was a cozy place to sleep, Rebecka later found an room "Hey Henry look, what about this room, its say's 'V.I.P' we can try that one out." Henry agreed and they both opened the door to see what was inside, they found an empty room with an empty room with the same dancefloor but smaller and cozy couches and expensive bottles of drinks sealed. "It looks like this place was for rich people, look at all those expensive bottles of alcohol" Henry said. Rebecka responded quickly: "DON'T TOUCH THEM, be careful you may break them and then all the alcohol will go out, I don't want to be attacked by Drowners again." Henry said he would not open or break it he was just touching it. Henry and Rebecka found a spot at one of the cozy couches and went to sleep there. "I miss my blanket its cold" Rebecka said. Henry said to stop whining and just sleep, they eventually fell asleep.

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