Chapter 7/10: Stranger Danger

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"YOU WANT TO DO WHAT?!" Rebecka responded: "Please Saria I need to know the truth, it keeps haunting me, with a car it's not that far!" Saria didn't look happy: "DO I have to remind you that you ARE ONLY 10 YEARS OLD, YOU ARE TO YOUNG FOR THIS, YOU'VE ALREADY EXPERIENCED ENOUIGH AND NOW YOU WANT TO PUT NOT ONLY YOU, BUT ALSO YOUR FRIENDS IN DANGER, look I don't know everything that happened to your family but I do know that it's not worth it!" Rebecka got angry "HOW DO YOU KNOW! Please, I need this, I keep getting nightmares, someone as young as me isn't supposed to have night terrors like this." Saria started to became reasonable "With how many did you want to go?" she answered "Claire and Ryan That's it." She sighed "Fine, take Darryl and Carol with you I want at least 2 adult's that are going with you." Rebecka agreed and left her room to go to the others.

Rebecka walked to Claire who was waiting for her "Claire, good news, were allowed to go, but with Darryl and Carol" Claire replied: "That shouldn't be so bad, now we just got to get Ryan and ask the others, let me do it for you, you get some rest we can leave tomorrow. "Thank you." Rebecka said. "We will meet each other at the gate tomorrow morning!" Rebecka nodded and went to her room to get rest.

The next day

Rebecka woke up, she had another nightmare, but she ignored it and went to grab her clothes. She went out of her room and walked to the front gate but when she arrived she saw something that wasn't supposed to be there "CLAIRE, WHY IS JESSICA AND MASON HERE!?" "also hello" Mason and Jessica answered. Rebecka continued: "I was only allowed to take you why are they here?!" Claire answered: I didn't do anything, I only asked Jessica. you should look to little old Ryan over there" Rebecka looked at Ryan: "I only asked Mason nothing more!" Rebecka sighed: "let's just go before Saria finds out." Eventually they Darryl and Carol driving towards them, "They arrived" Rebecka said happily. Darry's stopped the car and said "Come in, we should leave asap before Saria changes her mind!" Everybody agreed and went in the car and eventually ride off.

In the 20 minutes of riding to the cinema not much happened they just talked a little "So what should we do after this?" Ryan asked. "OH, we can play truth or dare I always wanted to play that with you guys!" Everybody agreed. Eventually after the ride they arrived. Rebecka looked out the window and memories went back through her mind about what happened here, the car eventually stopped in front of the Night club, there were luckily not much Drowners in outside. Everybody went out of the car and Darryl, went to park the car somewhere nearby. "Why do you want to go to this specific building?" Carol asked. Rebecka answered: "Because I have a feeling my answer lies here."

Darryl came back and they all grabbed their guns ready to shoot if something would pop up. "Is everyone's Coolers good on battery?" Everybody said yes, they putted new batteries in them before they left. "Alright lets go then" Darryl said. Darryl kicked the door, and started aiming with he's flashlight to check for danger, Mason saw all the skeletons in the main room and started to freak out a little "Uhm Rebecka are you sure this is the place, I hope those skeletons were already their before you left here?" Rebecka giggled a little: "Don't worry, they were already here." Darryl didn't see anything dangerous and they all continued moving, Darryl was on the front and Carol behind everyone. Suddenly Darryl stepped on something, "I think I stepped on a body, I heard a bone crack, I don't think this is a skeleton." He pointed he's flashlight on the ground to check and saw a dead body. "Uhm Rebecka, this body isn't like the skeletons, this one isn't so old, was that one also already there." Rebecka walked towards Henry and also pointed her flashlight to the body. "Omg.... That's Vector" Her heart started to raise, as she saw that he died because of gun shot, she saw a shot wound on he's head, but what freaked her more out when she was hiding at the back door she heard gunshots and screaming but she didn't know it was Vector. Carol looked worried: "Rebecka, are you ok, do you think you can continue?" She looked down in sadness and nodded "Yeah..... lets continue." They continued and walked further they looked around but didn't find much anymore, until they found the VIP room close to the exit hallway. They went slowly went in to see if there were Drowners, Darryl first came in the room and saw Drowners in there a lot. "Stop watch out there a lot of them in there" he whispered. The rest slowly went inside to and they saw like 8 of them walking around waiting for a fluid to consume, "As long as you don't sweat or anything they wont attack us so stay calm" Darryl said, everybody listened to him but then Rebecka saw one Drowner that looked familiar, "Omg no, no no!" Claire looked worried at Rebecka: "What's wrong, do you know any of them?" "That's Jordan... they really are all dead. Did Henry do all of this?

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