Chapter 3/10: A Scattered Reunion

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It was the next day, Henry woke up and saw Rebecka sitting with a sad face "Rebecka, what's wrong?" Rebecka looked sad at Henry, "Are you sure their dead?" Henry looked at her and said: "Yeah they probably are" Rebecca looked more sad after Henry told her that. "so basically it's my fault they died, Just like Michael , EVERYONE DIES BECAUSE OF ME!" Rebecka started getting tears after saying that. Henry looked at her with fearing eyes, "Rebecka.... You're crying."

Meanwhile Jordan was looking at the window "Vector, let's go, I want to go as fast as possible before something happens." Vector stood up and grabbed the 2 umbrella's while he was grabbing it Jordan reminded him the plan: " Remember the plan Vector, we have 2 umbrella's and Rebecca or Henry maybe both are there, so we will have to share the umbrella, its big enough for 2 max if we walk carefully and most important of course Don't touch the rain, keep in mind there are many Drowners their that are going crazy over there, don't accidentally bump into one. They won't attack us if we stay dry." Vector understood the plan and they grabbed the umbrella's and went out of the building. They opened the door and saw a lot of Drowners going crazy, attacking their selves, running in circles, Breaking everything they saw. When Drowners see fluids they absorb the fluids and attacks where the fluid came from to see if there is more, The umbrella is also wet because of the rain but with that much rain around you it's just bad luck if they attack the umbrella specifically, but this was the risk to save Henry and Rebecka. Jordan and Henry walked really careful, not to slow, but also not to fast. Their were like 50 Drowners in the area so they had to look out one didn't bump into them, they were really aggressive and attacking everything they see, but this can also be handy, because if their to busy with the rain and everything around them, they might not go for you if you're lucky because they more focused on the rest. They still had to hurry up though if they take too long an Drowner will eventually go for them. Jordan was brave and had his eyes only at the nightclub, but he saw that Vector was stressing and scared. Jordan tried to calm him "Stay calm Vector, were halfway there, just keep up this tempo" Vector looked scared at Jordan and nodded, he tried to calm himself more. Suddenly Jordan saw a Drowner acting weird in the back, he started stressing now "Oh no, did it notice us will it attack our umbrella?" Then Jordan saw something more weird, the Drowner sensed something, something different then the rain. Drowners can sense the difference between fluids, they know what fluid is water and what fluid is blood for example, with the Drowners knowing the difference its dangerous because some Drowner likes the other fluid more then the other one, they have their own opinion on fluid taste. The most popular one is Blood almost every Drowner likes blood fluid more than normal water or something else. Jordan noticed the Drowner sensed something different something that wasn't rain, Jordan immediately looked at Vector to see if he was sweating or something, but he wasn't, their coolers were an good battery to so it wasn't possible to sweat right now. Jordan was confused, then he saw the Drowner screaming alerting some more Drowners not everyone was alerted and was still busy with the rain but some were, they were all running towards the night club. Jordan noticed this "Oh god, something happened at that club, VECTOR WE GOT TO HURRY UP THEIR HEADING TO THEM" Vector immediately responded and they both started running to the nightclub, while running they were still trying to avoid other Drowners and not stepping on a water pool. Their were around 10 Drowners heading towards Henry and Rebecca, Jordan didn't know why they were heading their but he knew he had to hurry up.

Henry looked at Rebecka in fear. Rebecka realized she was crying "Oh no, I did it again IM GONNA GET US KILLED AGAIN!" Henry responded quickly "Rebecca don't panic remove your tears and lets go before they come in-"Henry couldn't finish he's sentence because he already heard the Drowners banging at the door. Rebecka started to panic: "OH NO, WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO" Henry told Rebecca to calm down and he ran to the window to check how many there were, He counted at least 12. "Shit, those are a lot!" Rebecka wiped her tears away and grabbed her gun, she then heard the front door was breaking "oh no, HENRY THEIR COMING IN!" Henry rushed to Rebecka, grab all your stuff we have to leave now! Il distract them you run away to the backdoor. Rebecka followed Henry's order, and ran to the back. Henry grabbed a wine bottle from the bar and ran to the Drowners, he yelled at them to get their attention, once they looked at them he broke the wine bottle against the wall, making the Drowners rushing to Henry. But 1 didn't react to Henry and continued running the way Rebecka went. Henry didn't saw it because he was to focused on the other ones to stay alive, he didn't had a lot of ammo and wasn't so good at aiming, but if he does he's shots right he will survive this. He ran the opposite way from Rebecka to a safe place in the club, the Drowners were fast, real fast but he knew this and already had a plan, the podium was high enough from ground to shoot them from a high enough place. He grabbed another wine bottle and ran towards the podium, he slammed the bottle against the front from the podium and quickly ran around the podium via Backstage to get up the podium. He's plan was working because the Drowners were running towards the broken wine bottle and Henry successfully made it up to the podium, the Drowners were busy absorbing and consuming the wine, so all he had to do now was aim right and shoot them in the head. He had 4 bullets in he's gun if he would shoot one perfectly in the head a lot of blood will come out and that will make the rest of the Drowners attack the dead one with blood, only problem is to get away quickly after that because a lot of more Drowners will come for the blood and he's aim was bad. He started pointing he's gun at one of the Drowners head ready to shoot but it was hard for him to aim while the Drowner was moving so much for the wine. Then when he felt like he aimed right, he shotted but he's gunfire impact made him move the gun a little making him miss because of that, now the Drowners started looking at him because they were alerted by the gun sound, Henry was standing their in fear not knowing what to do, it was creepy seeing all the Drowners look at him with their creepy faces.

Jordan and Vector finally arrived at the Nightclub, they wanted to open the front door but then they suddenly heard gunfire from Henry, they didn't know it was from Henry though so Jordan stopped before opening the door, and looked at vector "The person inside has a weapon and it could be Rebecka or Henry but if it isn't one of the 2 they will shoot us so grab your weapon and I know you don't like killing but be ready to shoot." Jordan tried again and this time quickly opened the front door and Jordan and Vector immediately aimed their gun to the front, but then they saw Henry standing their frozen by fear. Jordan and Vector instantly became relieved it was Henry. Jordan shouted to henry in a way so the Drowners in front of them couldn't hear them "Henry! It's us" Henry stopped freezing when he heard Jordans voice, "Yall are alive?" Henry became happy but he's mood instantly changed when he realized something, he looked at the Drowners in front of him waiting to kill him if he would drop a single drop of sweat and then he looked at Jordan and Vector. Henry looked directly at Jordan and said: "Jordan, everything was better when you were gone ya know, I was the leader, Rebecka only counted on me, we were only together without you guys, I enjoyed it without you guys. I want to live alone with Rebecka and have more fun." Henry suddenly started smiling in a weird way after saying that. Jordan looked confused at him "What do you mean, I don't understand, we can talk about this after we found Rebecca and are safe." He said. Henry started laughing "HAHAAHAHAHA, LOOK AT YOU, ORDERING US AGAIN, LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO! I'm sorry Jordan but your time of ordering is over." Jordan looked at henry and said: "Henry listen you're feeling this way because you haven't took your pills, please calm down and let us help you escape, I can break some water over hear to draw their attention." Henry replied "No I think I have a better idea Jordan." Henry aimed he's gun at Vector and made a clean Headshot at him making he's head spill al lot of blood out of him. Jordan screamed: "VECTOR, HENRY WHAT THE F*CK HAVE YOU DONE!!!" He quickly tried to shoot Henry's leg but missed, suddenly all the Drowners sensed Vector's blood of he's body. "Oh god no" Jordan said. All the Drowners were rushing towards vector in an immersive speed even the ones outside of the club, Drowners live blood fluid its their favorite, Jordan kept he's tears in and ran towards Henry "HENRYYYYYY!!! COME HERE" The Drowners were to busy with Vector's body so it was easy for Jordan to chase Henry. "All I have to do is make it to Rebecka and leave Jordan behind and then I will be alone with her again without F*cking Jordan." Henry said in he's head.

Rebecka in the meantime reached the backdoor but saw a Drowner coming after her, she quickly tried to open the backdoor, but it was locked, she was stuck. The Drowner was heading to her with all its speed and Rebecka aimed her gun at the Drowner ready to shoot if it came to close. But then the Drowner suddenly stopped and sensed another fluid, it sensed Vector's blood and started going towards Vector but for Rebecka's Point of view it randomly stopped and went the other way, Rebecka used this as an advantage and shot the lock open. But when she opened the door, she saw it was still raining, she couldn't go outside it was to dangerous. She closed the backdoor again and leaned against it aiming her gun at the hallway for if someone would pop up. She was scared but that was the only thing she could do.

Meanwhile Henry was on he's way to get Rebecka and run away, but he heard Jordan behind him screaming, "F*ck this man is going to keep following me if I don't do something, I don't want Rebecca to know he's still alive." Henry stopped running and turned he's face to Jordan and started aiming he's gun to him and started shouting to him "DON'T YOU F*CKING GET CLOSER TO ME , STAY RIGHT THERE." Jordan stopped and tried to calm him down "Listen Henry, calm down ok your not realizing what you're doing right now, killing your own friend like that, if we just get you the pi- Jordan couldn't finish he's sentence because Henry interrupted him "DON'T YOU F*CKING START OVER THOSE PILLS I AINT TAKING SHIT." The Drowner that went from Rebecka to Vector heard the yelling and ran to it, Henry saw the Drowner approaching and quickly shotted the plank with the wine bottles behind Jordan, making all the wine fall on Henry. "Goodbye Jordan" Were Henry's last words to him. Jordan yelled at him "NO, YOU MOTHERF*CKER STAY AWAY FROM HER, AUGH NO HELP AGH- Jordans talking turned into screams of agony while the Drowner found Jordan and started eating him alive, Jordan dropped he's umbrella because of the pain and Henry quickly grabbed he's umbrella and ran to Rebecka ignoring he's screams.

Rebecka was still at the hallway in front of the backdoor waiting to be saved by someone or something, all she heard was all kinds of noises outside not knowing what It was, in her stomach she felt someone needed her but she didn't know what to do and stayed there, suddenly she heard footsteps running and approaching her, she quickly aimed her gun at the sound and by surprise saw Henry with an umbrella, he yelled at her. "REBECKA LET'S GO NOW!" She opened the door and ran to Henry with the umbrella, and they both successfully escaped the Night club. Rebecka and Henry ran away from the nightclub sharing the umbrella and Rebecka was happy they escaped safely, not knowing what kind of things Henry did to save them. 

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