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I walk out of the cafeteria line with my tray and look for a table to sit at, when I see Brittney's hand wave at me to sit with her. I smile and walk over to her. I sit in front of her. Then, Haley suddenly glares at me with the angriest look and says in a cold voice," What are you doing here." She looked mad. I got nervous and said quietly,"Brittney invited me over." Haley gave a look that said Are you crazy?! Brittney whispered quietly to Haley so I couldn't hear. Haley then surprisingly said to me," Fine, you can be our friend." I was suprised. " Only... if you look pretty and don't try to be more popular then us," she said. I thought it was dumb telling someone don't try and be more popular then them, but if it made me friends with Haley I guess I could work with it.
I walk to the garbage to throw out my leftovers when someone's leg pops out in front of me and I fall to the ground with my food splattered all over me. My body filled with rage when I saw Taylor and her friends giggling crazily. Then, Taylor bats her eyelashes innocently and says, " at WildBerry, we don't wear our food." Then she walked away with her friends giggling like me falling was funnier then a book of jokes. I try to hold in the tears,but I can't help it. Some people in the lunchroom started pointing at me and laughing. I quickly return my tray and run to the bathroom with my backpack. I look at myself in the mirror and see that I'm a mess. I but a bit on mascara on so black streaks of it were riding down my face. My face also covered in ketchup and mustard from my hotdog.My outfit completely covered in ketchup and mustard with ranch sauce for my carrots. I look in my backpack for spare clothes and put them on. I fix my face and walk to the principal's office. Once I exit that office I was determined to never show my face at WildBerry High.

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