Jealousy Strikes

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I walk down the halls of WildBerry High. I ignore the comments on how clumsy and nerdy I was. That didn't matter I ran up to the second floor. I had something to investigate. While walking up the stairs I see Brittney and Brandon kissing against his locker. I sigh a sigh loud enough Brandon could here it. Brandon looks at me and smiles. Brittney walks over and brings me far away so Brandon can't here. "What did I say about stealing my bouyfriend," she said with an angry tone. "I promise I wasn't stealing him he just smiled at me," I protest. Brittney walks away and looks at Brandon with cute eyes and starts flirting with him. Brandon ignores her and run over to me. Soon, my heart rate goes up by a million and I get hot. "You ok?" he ask innocently to me. I nod. How can such a rude person like Brittney be dating such a kind a sweet boy like him. I sigh when he walks away. I swear I think I saw him turn around and wink at me. I ignored Brittney's sour looks. Mission complete.
Free period comes and I decide to hang out in the courtyard. I walk around admiring the beauty of the school. I soon see Lily and walk over to her. "Hi Lily," I say cheerfully. Lily smiles and waves. "Hi, I was just giving a tour of the school to some new kids," she said. I wave bye to her and turn around to see Brittney all up in my face. "GET AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND THINGS WERE PERFECT UNTIL YOU CAME," she yelled. I didn't know what to say. Then the most unexpected thing happened. Brandon stood behind until she stopped yelling at me she turned around and looked at Brandon. Brittney stood there looking guilty and dumb. She tried hypnotizing him by flirting with him, but it didn't work. "Sorry, but I don't date bullies," said Brandon. Then he walked over to me and said," Wanna hang out tomorrow. I was shocked I smiled dumbly and nodded. Brandon then came closer and said," Well then see ya then." I just dumbly nodded, I didn't know what to say but BEST...DAY...EVER!

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