Just like my old school

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My first week at WildBerry was... well interesting. I walk down the halls nervous to see if anyone would know about me and Brandon. Then, I saw him and walked over. "Hi Steph," he said. "Hey!" I say excitedly. We both say how much we enjoyed last night. "Thanks for hanging out with me," he said. "My pleasure," I respond. 
      Lily and me walk toward the library for free period. Brandon said to meet me there at free time. I see Brandon reading and I hide for a second. Lily whispered," He looks adorable reading." He then looked up and saw us. "Hey g-guys I mean girls," he studdered. He looked happy and nevous. "Uh, Stephanie can I ask you something... alone," he said nervously. I knew it I swept him off his feet and know I was going to be his... GIRLFRIEND!! We walk to a corner alone and then he ask me ," Well uhh I wanted to ask you umm if yo...," he studdered. "YES!" I say happyily. "Really, I was gonna ask you if you would like a ride home," said Brandon. I get stabbed in the heart. How could he date me we only just met. "Oh sorry I got excited I thought you were gonna say something else," I say quietyly. "Was it... will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I was so red right then it was ridicolous. "Yes...," I say extremely quietly. "Great!"said Brandon. Wait what I was confused what did he mean? I give him a confused look and he responds with the best answer ever," I asked you if you wanted to be my girlfriend and you said yes." I looked up at him, he looked at me, and we kissed.
      Me, Lily and, Brandon were like a gang now. We costantly were hanging out and having fun together. It was just like my old school: I was popular, I had the best bff ever, and an amazing boyfriend. Brittney kept on hating on me but hey, haters gonna hate.
Anyways, what started out to be the worst school ever turned into the best school ever.

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