The Archon war

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Gods were not immortal. The archon war proved that. Guizhong and Morax knew that to save their people, at least one of them had to win a place at the Celestia.

So with a dreaded farewell, Morax took his spear and left to fight the war. Guizhong knew she was a weak goddess and could never win a seat at the Celestia. All she hoped for was that Morax could and that she could protect her people till her death.

Morax fought the war hard, slaying hundreds of foes, hoping he could win two seats one for himself and one for Guizhong.

It was only a matter of time before Guili was attacked. A great enemy rose from the sea, towering over the Guili plains. Morax would have easily slain it but Guizhong knew she was no match for it.

All she could hope to do was to delay the monster and buy time for Morax to return and save their people. With a sword in hand, she bravely fought off the creature. Alas, a spear pierces her heart and she lay fatally wounded in the field of glaze lilies. She had always thought she would die in Morax's arms but it seemed not.

Morax heard the sounds of a great battle being fought in the Guili plains and rushed to save his people. After slaying the monster, Morax searched everywhere for Guizhong. He heard a faint sob and ran towards the sound. There Guizhong lay dying in her beloved field of glaze lilies. Morax was panic stricken.

A painful twang in his heart made him fall to his knees. Only then did he realise how much he had grown to love Guizhong. Tears streamed down his face as he cradled her broken body.

"Morax.....if....if you manage.... To open the bell my wisdom is yours. I-it seems our journey together has come to an end."

"No Guizhong please! Don't leave me! Please don't leave me!"

Guizhong knew nothing could save her and smiled a final lonely smile as the light faded from her eyes. As she died, the number of glaze lilies dwindled till they were no more.

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