Chapter 3: Class Start

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Ruby/Pyrrha: Aura!?

Yuki: Yes, we'll start with that.

Pyrrha imidietly raise her hand.

Yuki: Yes Nikos?

Pyrrha: Professor we already master our Aura before coming here.

Yuki: Really now? Can you tell me what you can do with your aura?

Ruby imidietly answer.

Ruby: Aura is the manifestation of the soul. We're taught to use aura to surpassed regular human in order to combat Grimms.

Yuki: Good. What else can you do with aura?

Pyrrha: We can use aura to increase our own abilities, our weapon and clothes act as a conduit for Aura.

Yuki: Alright then. What happened when you condensed a small amount of aura into a specific part of your body?

Pyrrha: The aura will explode on itself sending out in every direction. This cause injured to not just the user but their surrounding.

Yuki: Every direction? And here I thought you said you master it. Let me show you.

Yuki raise his right hand to the side make sure to avoid his two students. Then a small explosion of wind was shot out from the palm of his hand, this shock the two girl.

Yuki: As you two just see, skill aura user can manipulate their aura into different shape and size. By condensing other bit you can create small explosion, it also have some force pack into it.

He then change the position of his fingers before flick it. This send a gust of wind out but this one go in a straight line before hitting a wall.

Yuki: You can also change how you want to launch them, doing so created more outcome.

Looking back he see the two girl now look at him with their full attention.

Yuki: If you think that's cool check this out.

Clapping both hand together before letting his hand out, the two girl can see a yellow light emitting from his right hand. They then see a yellow light blade from his right hand.

Yuki: I call this a Aura Blade. Skill user can form their aura into visible construct to aid them.

He then disbursed the Aura Blade.

Ruby: So cool! Where did you even learn about this Professor?

Pyrrha: Can we even learn to do that? It's seem complicated.

Yuki: Don't worry, you just need proper training and guidance to learn how to do that and even more. My teacher drill them into me, literally.

Ruby: But... Aren't this for elite, geniuses and talented students?

Yuki look at his students he can see that she's doubting herself, her cheerful personally replace by a timid one. Self doubt a feeling he know too well.

Yuki: No. The Art of Aura Manipulation can be learn by everyone but you needed determination, patient, passion and love to be able to master it.

Pyrrha: Love?

Ruby: Why do learning this we need love?

Yuki: Love for the art itself. If you don't love it then you won't be able to fully master it then you won't be able to teach it to others.

This seem to lift the girls spirit up a bit.

Yuki: If the teacher dislike their own subject. Can they really properly teach anyone?

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