Chapter 12: Team FAVY Origin

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Sitting on a chair next to a hospital bed.

Cynthia: What with the sad face?

Yuki: ...

Cynthia: Don't be like that you brat. Don't make me get up and kick your ass for being sad.

Yuki: ...It... not fair...

Cynthia: The world is unfair, Yuki. I might haven't live a good life...but the time I spend with you, is the best part of my life.

She said with a weak smile, tear dropped from her student eyes.

Cynthia: Hey hey, I don't remember of teaching a crybaby. I don't have long left, would you be by my side to the every end?

Yuki: *sob*

He wipe the tear in his eyes before looking up at his teacher.

Yuki: Yeah I'll sit where with you, old hag.

Cynthia: You brat.

They smile as Yuki sit by his teacher side until her heart monitor turn into a straight line.


Waking up from his sleep, Yuki wipe away the tear in his eyes getting up from his bed, his back have a large scar mark along with some scratch marks.

Putting on his shirt and tie getting ready for his class. His troubling students remind him of his past a lot.

7 years ago

Vex: So it look like we are going to be partner.

Yuki: It seem so.

They observed each other for a sec.

Vex: You don't seem much of a fighting, what's your name?

Yuki: BiteMe what's your?

Vex: First name Mario, last name Mario. Mario Mario.

Both boys clearly not like each other. Their negative emotions towards each other attached the attention of the grimms nearby.

Yuki: Look like we got company.

Vex: Well it seems that way. Get ready to see a real- what the?

He turn to Yuki but he's already gone.

Yuki: Spark Flash!

Yuki just fry a Beowolf with electrictity, he's now in a gold and blue armor with the ability to generate electricity.

Yuki: What the matter Mario? Can't keep up?

Vex: Oh you're on BiteMe! I'm gonna show you what real "skill" look like!

He swung both his arms back letting both his prosthetic arms fall off revealing two katana blades that's part of his arms starting from his elbow.

He also charge in and start cutting the grimms infront of him. Vex heard movement behind some bushes thinking it's another grimm he charged at it with his blades ready to swing at it.

But when a bolt of lightning was fire infront of him he quickly jump back and turn to Yuki with a glare.

Vex: What was that for BiteMe?

Yuki: You should watch where you're swinging your hand Mario. That's the person you almost touch.

Coming out from the bushes were a blonde girl girl and a blue hair boy it's Alexis and Fata.

Alexis: You have great detection skill Red.

Alexis already have her blade out.

Vex: (I almost hit a participant?)

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