The Undead of England

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"So, where to next then?" Rose questioned, leaning over the control panel of the Tardis. She was watching as the Doctor pressed buttons frantically and with no direction, though he seemed to know what he was doing. She was used to his antics by now.

He looked up at her, the soft green glow emitting from the centre of the panel reflecting onto his face as he reached over to pull a lever.

"Well — Can you get that button over there for me? — There's this planet that has a sapphire waterfall- a waterfall made of sapphires. Reaches the Cliffs of Oblivion, and then shatters into sapphires at the edge - they fall a hundred thousand feet into a crystal ravine.
Could go for some sightseeing there- or, if you wanna stay somewhat local, holiday on Earth! France, Rome, Switzerland maybe? Have you ever been to Switzerland? Or, we've met the Slitheen in Downing Street, what if we ourselves went to Raxacoricofallapatorius?"

Rose smiled at him as he rambled on about all the places and things they could do and see. She'd never been to Switzerland- well, she'd never been many places outside of London until she met the Doctor.

"Or, easy decision, I could set the controls to random again and see where we end u- Rose? The button."

"What? Oh right, sorry" she stood upright and moved over to the button he was pointing towards. "This one?" She gestured at it, pressing it once the doctor nodded.

"That's the one. Have you ever had Belgian hot chocolate?"

"erm, Mum and me got some this one time, I think it was after she broke up with- whatshisname.. the sailor - or was it the truck driver? anyway, we went to this gorgeous cafe."

The Doctor raised an eyebrow at her "all the way to Belgium for some post break up hot chocolate?"

"What? No-" she laughed at him. "It was a cafe in London. They did Belgian hot chocolate."

He suddenly jumped upright, grabbing his trenchcoat off the chair he'd left it on.
"No, no you've got to get some proper hot chocolate in Belgium. Absolutely brilliant,I'm telling you."

"Right then- wait, when were you over in Belgium?" 

"Mmm.. 1940's or so?"

Rose squinted "as in you went back in time to the 1940's, or you were there in the 1940's?"

He shrugged "same thing, isn't it?"

Rose sighed, having confused herself, and the doctor smiled at her. "Time is confusing like that" he spoke, looking back at the control panel for a moment.

He then stopped, as though he'd forgotten something, and leaned over the panel to look closer. He took his glasses out of his pocket and placed them on, focusing.

Rose watched him. The other doctor- well, it was the same guy, but before.. this one. He hadn't worn glasses, that she knew of. But this one, he just, had them. He'd just have them in his pocket, ready for if he needed to focus. It was interesting, all the things that changed. It was still him though, she knew that. Some things took some getting used to though. It was a wonder the glasses hadn't broken yet, with all the adventure.


"everything alright?"  Rose questioned, walking over to him to see what he was looking at.

"The Tardis, she's recalibrating. We're gonna have to land for a moment."

"Whereabouts are we?" She asked, now stood beside him. The Tardis had been travelling space and time at random as they decided on where to go next, so it was likely they were somewhere entirely new.

"No idea. But it's fine, it'll only be a bit and then we'll be off."

"To Belgium?"

"To Belgium. Now come on, let's go see where we are!!"

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