Chapter 1

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I'd like to start by saying that this is my first fan fic and bxb story. I'd also like to remind everyone that this is fan fiction and none of it is real. I'm just using names. Also, I'd appreciate it if we could keep negativity in the comments to a minimum. If you really don't like something, just leave. That being said, constructive criticism is appreciated. Finally, there will most likely be smut in this story. I will not be putting trigger warnings on those chapters so read at your own risk. That being said, let's get into it!

Minho's POV:
I'm walking alone in the dark again. God I needed this. With all the stress from moving these past few weeks, a good walk is exactly what I need to clear my head.

I shuffle down the sidewalk underneath the streetlights. The night air is cool and a slight breeze dances across my face. I like nights like these. Where I can just pretend that all of the thoughts weighing me down don't exist. It's just me and the darkness mixing and mingling as I silently march to my destination.

Although tonight I don't really have a destination. I'm just letting my feet take me wherever they want to go. I'm not far from home and I still recognize the area so I'm not concerned. I see a convenience store up ahead and decide to stop. I'm getting hungry for a snack anyway.

I walk into the store and poke around a bit. I settle on some spicy ramen for now and buy two chocolate bars for later. I don't normally have a sweet tooth, but every once in a while the craving hits me. Best to be prepared. I make my ramen in the store and decide to take it outside as opposed to eating in the store.

I walk down the road for a few minutes and settle myself on a bench overlooking the Han river. I sit there in silence and eat. It's a nice feeling, the warm noodles contrasting with the cool night air. I finish my snack and dispose of the garbage in a nearby bin.

I then start to head home. It's getting close to midnight and I don't want my sleep schedule to be messed up. I start walking back to my house, admiring the stars as I go when a faint whimper catches my attention.

I look towards the direction of the sound. I hear it again on slightly louder and begin walking towards it. The faint whimpers turn to cries and I quicken my pace. Is someone hurt?

I round the corner to find a boy huddled up on the edge of the sidewalk, knees up the his chest. I look around to see if there's anyone else around who might know him. The street is empty.

I approach him slowly.
"Hey, uh are you okay?" I ask the boy. God I sound like an idiot. He looks up at me, eyes brimming with fresh tears as he slowly begins to wipe his face with the back of his sleeve.

"I'm alright thank you," the boy replies meekly. Well obviously he isn't and I can't in good conscience just leave him here.
"Can I sit with you?" I ask and the boy nods his head.

I take a seat next to him and I instantly notice the giant bruise on his cheek. It was dark and it looked very painful. The boy must've noticed by shocked expression because before I could say anything, he pulled the hood of his sweater forward to cover it.

Okay, this is weird.
"So uh, I'm Minho," I say. Again, I sound so stupid. "Jisung," the boy responds. His crying has ceased into occasional sniffles now. I take a good look at the rest of his face and come to the conclusion that he must be around my age.

"So do you wanna talk about it?" I say hesitantly pointing to the bruise.
"Not really," the boy responds. Big shocker Minho, the stranger doesn't want to talk about his trauma with you. God I'm stupid.

"Well... If you don't want to talk about it, I have this. It usually cheers people up," I say pulling out one of the chocolate bars I just purchased.

The boy looks at me and then the chocolate and back at me one more time before grabbing it slowly. He looked hesitant. Holding it in his hands, he looked at me again with confusion in his eyes. Has he never had a chocolate before? Surely he's had one before.

I pull out the second one and open it putting a square into my mouth. Hopefully that'll encourage the stranger beside me to partake in his too. He looks at me one last time before slowly peeling back the wrapper.
"Thanks," he quietly mumbles.

I don't respond. We just sit there as two strangers, eating chocolate, ignoring the fact that one of us has a giant bruise on his face.

As we finish up the snacks, I ask "So Jisung, do you live around here?". "Yes," He responds. I nod my head at that.
"Is there anything I can do to help. I mean I won't pry but I'm kind of concerned," I say trying to sound as gentle as possible.

He just shakes his head no. He looks so tired, as if he's been to war and back. I feel sorry for him. "Well would you like me to walk you home?" I ask. I really just want to make sure he's okay. I don't think I'll be able to sleep until I know that this Jisung kid is alright.

"Okay," is all he says as he stands up. I get up too and walk beside him. We walk in silence. Although it's a comfortable silence. This kind of silence is precious, being able to be silent around a person without being awkward is difficult. But with Jisung it felt natural.

We walked for maybe 10 minutes until we arrived at a grey brick house. I think I've seen it once or twice. Although I'm still new to the neighborhood so I'm not entirely sure.
"This you?" I ask. He nods his head.

"Thank you Minho. You didn't have to come all this way for a stranger," he smiles at me sadly. God those eyes. They seem to be holding so many emotions. I feel sorry for this boy in front of me, but there really isn't anything I can do. "It really wasn't a problem. I live nearby anyway," I say awkwardly.

"Oh, okay then. Goodnight," And Jisung walks inside. I nod and begin walking back to my house.

That boy, I'm still worrying about him. How did he get that bruise? It's not like you can just get that from tripping. I'm almost certain someone gave it to him, but it wasn't my place to ask.

I sigh as I unlock the door to my house. I'm greeted with soft meows from Soonie at the door. She's a sweetheart. Doongie and Dori must be asleep. I kick off my shoes and wander upstairs. It's a bit past 1 and I'm crazy tired. I change my clothes and climb into bed.

I plan on texting Chan in the morning. He's my only friend aside from the cats. Although he's annoying at times, he does let me vent to him and I want to tell him about this strange encounter with that boy tonight.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep. I dream of Jisung, the boy with the bruise.

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