Chapter 3

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Minho's Pov:
It's been three days since the night I met Jisung, and I've been absolutely beside myself because of it. I just need to make sure he's okay.

I can't even sleep properly because of him. I feel like I should've done more for him. Scratch that, I'm going to do more. I just have to see him.

I confided in Chan hyung again this morning, and he suggested I find the boy too. The only problem is I don't know how.

I think I might remember where his house is, but showing up at his house unannounced could come across as creepy. Then again, maybe I am creepy?

Regardless, I have to see Jisung again. If only just for a minute.

I spend several hours debating on whether or not I should put my thoughts into action. I finally come to the conclusion that I'll make dinner and then swing by Jisung's house after I've eaten. The meal should give me some time to think about what I'm going to say to him.

Maybe I could just tell him the truth and say I was so worried I couldn't sleep? No... that's weird as heck. Maybe I could say I wanted to be friends? That might work? And it wouldn't be that weird anyway. Since we live relatively close, it wouldn't be weird for me to suggest we hang out. That way, I can make sure he's okay.

I place my dishes in the sink and give my fur babies a few quick head scratches before I make my way to Jisung's. It's around 6:30, so not too late.

I lock the front door and begin to make my way towards the boy's house. I seem to remember the way, so that's good.

As I approach his neighborhood, the nerves begin to hit. My heart starts to race, and my palms start to feel sweaty. Maybe this was a mistake? Maybe I don't deserve to see him again. What good can I do for him anyway? He's clearly got something going on, and all I do is make people afraid of me.

No. I push the negative thoughts into the furthest corners of my mind. Chan said to stop thinking like that. I can do this. I can befriend Jisung and make sure he's okay.

I see his house not too far up the road and take a deep breath. The worst thing that can happen is that he doesn't want to talk to me. But then again, that'd be horrible and would leave me upset for weeks. Maybe I shouldn't do this? He might not even want to speak to me.

I turn onto his driveway anyway and approach the front door. I take in a deep breath for what feels like the millionth time on this short trip and knock on the door.

For a moment, I hear nothing. Maybe he's not home? I can't tell if that thought relieves me or makes me even more stressed.

Just as I begin to turn away in defeat, I hear footsteps. My heart palpatates, and I'm not even sure why at this point. What was I supposed to say again???

Unfortunately, there isn't any more time for me to figure that out as the door begins to open, and I see Jisung's face peek out from the other side.

"Minho? What are you doing here?" He questions.
"I don't know," I respond. God I'm an idiot! Of all things I could say! Is it too late to run away?

He looks at me quizzically and gives a small frown.
"Well, uh, sorry. Actually, I had some spare time tonight and was wondering how you were doing since I haven't seen you in a few nights and also thought that you might want to hang out but it's totally fine if you don't, it was probably a stupid idea anyway," I say.

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! Why am I so awkward! I mentally face palm. But I guess he might be considering it? Maybe?

"Yeah, sure, that sounds nice," he responds. And I can't help the grin that spreads across my face.

Suddenly, I hear a noise inside. Nothing too alarming. It just sounds like a person walking. But the look on Jisung's face says otherwise.

I see him glimpse into the house, but the fear in his eyes is gone as quick as it came. He grabs his shoes rather quickly, and power walks down the steps and away from the house. I walk with him, but I notice his posture seems tense, as if he's waiting for something bad to happen. But as soon as we start to create some distance between us and the house, I see him visibly relax.

I mentally take note of this behavior, but don't question him about it. As of now, we're still strangers, and it's not my place to ask. But I do wonder, who or what in that house made him so afraid? Is that the reason he had that bruise? For some reason, the thought of someone hurting the boy beside me makes me angry. I don't let it show, though.

Speaking of the bruise, I notice it's faded quite a bit, which is good. It's nice to know that he hasn't come to any harm since the night we met. At least, I think he hasn't?

He suddenly stops and turns to me.
"So what exactly did you have in mind to do tonight?" He asks.
"To be completely honest, I thought you'd say no. So I haven't really figured that out yet," I reply sheepishly.
God I'm such an idiot!

He lets out a small giggle and smiles at me. I don't know why, but that smile is contagious. I find myself smiling back for no reason other than the fact that he smiled at me first. It feels nice, though, to smile. I'm already feeling hopeful that Jisung and I will get along.

"Well would it be alright if we swung by a convenience store? I haven't eaten dinner yet and I'd like to grab a snack," he says timidly. 

I wish he wasn't so nervous, but that's alright. At least he's voicing the fact that he wants something.

I tell him yes and we begin to walk to a store he claims is around the block.

I don't know why, but I feel excited to spend time with him.

We walk in silence, but again, like the night we met, the silence is comfortable, welcoming. I already feel like I could spend hours just enjoying being in the same room as him. And yet again, I don't know why I feel this way. I guess I'm just comfortable around him?

Maybe it's because I'm worried about him or maybe our souls are just kindred spirits. God that phrase is stupid. But regardless, I feel like tonight will be very enjoyable.

A/N: okay, this is chapter three. I'm okay with how the story is going so far and hope that this chapter has allowed you to gain some insight on who Minho is as a person. He's insecure, but he desperately wants someone in his life to rely on him. He wants to feel needed because he's been told for most of his life that he's scary and unapproachable. The next few chapters will  focus on Jisung and who he is. I'd like the beginning of the story to serve as a way for my readers to get to know these characters before the romance truly blossoms. Anyways, lots of love ❤️

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