Chapter 10

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Jisung's POV:

I made dad sesame chicken. I make the breading and sauce myself, and usually, it puts him in a good mood.

Tonight, I was not so lucky...

I heard the front door open right when I was plating dad's food. I take a deep breath, awaiting his arrival. Only, it seemed as though he wasn't alone? That's odd. Dad's never had anyone over before...

I hear the footsteps of multiple people coming down the hall, and I wait for them at the kitchen table. I know better than to hide in my room. If I hide after I've done something wrong, he'll only get more angry.

I feel my body begin to tremble as three large men accompany my father into the kitchen. Two of them look at me like I'm a piece of meat, and the other approaches me rather quickly. He tilts my chin to lean up towards him, and I can smell the alcohol on his breath. I look to dad in confusion, and he only glares at me.

The man let's me go before returning back to my father's side. He whispers something in my father's ear before handing him a rather large wad of cash.

At this point, I have no idea what's going on. All I can do is sit there, desperately trying to stop the nervous tremors that run through my hands.

Suddenly, dad approaches me. I'm afraid he's going to hit me, so I flinch.

That wasn't the best idea...

He yanks me by the hair to look at him, and I stifle out a whimper of pain.

"Where were you this morning?" He demands, grabbing another fistful of my hair.
"A-At a f-friends h-house," I choke out.
"Lies!" He screams in my face.
"I-Im n-not lying," I whisper, eyes darting around the room.

The men seem to be watching our interaction uninterestedly, as if they have somewhere to be. I send one a pleading look but get abruptly ignored.

"You were probably whoring yourself you little slut!" He yells, and I begin to sob.
"How much did he pay you, you fucking fag?!" He screams yet again.

"N-Nothing h-happened I sw-," I say, getting cut off by the quick smack of his hand against my cheek. Pain blooms in the spot he hit immediately, and I try and squirm away, only to get yanked back into the spot I was in before.

"You never learn, do you?" He yells before pushing me off of my chair and onto the floor. I cry out as my body makes contact with the hard wood, but as expected, the strangers do not help me.

"I've tried for years to fix you, and yet you're still a fucking disgrace!" He spits at me.
"I-I'm s-sorry. I-I'll be b-better," I beg, I just want it to stop.

"You should've though about that earlier, slut. And since you seem to like sucking cock so much, I've got some buddies here that would be glad to put you to use," he says, grinning as he motions towards the men in the corner.

That's why they're here?!

Dad's beat me since I was a child, but this? This was too far. Was he really gonna let these guys pay him to use me?!

I look frantically between my father and the men, and my father and the men again. A new type of fear overtakes me. Not one of physical pain, but of violation. I've never even had my first kiss, and he's gonna let these men take my innocence?! No. I don't know if I'll be able to continue living if they do that to me.

I turn to my father with pleading eyes.
"No, please don't let them! I'm so sorry! I'll do whatever you want, just anything but that! I'll never leave the house again, you can hit me all you want, just don't let them touch me!" I beg him, clinging to his pant leg.

He scoffs, kicking me off of him. The men start to approach me, and I begin to kick and scream.
"Dad! Please! Don't let them hurt me!" I cry out for him as two of the men drag me up by the arms.

I can barely see him through the tears, but his disgust for me is carried enough by his tone.
"You were never my son," he seethes.
That statement hurts more than any physical pain he's ever caused me.

I scream again as the men carry me towards the living room. They look excited, and it just makes the situation that more terrifying. Are they finding enjoyment in my fear?!

They throw me on the couch, and I beg them to stop.
"Are you a virgin, boy?" One asks, smiling maniacally.
I nod my head yes, my lip quivering. A part of me hopes that they'll stop, not wanting someone inexperienced.

Boy, was I wrong...

They all laughed.
"Good, you'll be nice and tight. More fun to ruin!" One exclaims as he begins to start biting down my neck. It hurts, but I'm more focused on the other guy kneading my thighs in his hands.

I try and squirm away, calling for help in the process, but get stopped abruptly as one punches me in the face.

The neck biter makes his way to my collarbones, sneaking his hands up my shirt and pinching my nipples.

All I can think about is how much pain I'm in and how much I want it to stop. I continue to thrash and scream to no avail.

I wish I never left Minho's!

Suddenly, two of the guys back off, and the third sits me upright. I begin to think that this hell is over, but I'm wrong.

He begins to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. He lets his member spring out and pushes it towards my face. It's ugly and red, and I feel like I might throw up.

"Suck." He says, voice gruff, the other two watching in amusement.

I know at this point, if I don't escape right now, there will be no going back. If this happens, there will be no more point in living. So, I send a silent prayer to the sky and dash between the guys' legs.

I'm up again in an instant and running towards the front door. I have no idea where my father is in all of this, and I don't stop to check.

Those men might be strong, but they're middle-aged and slow. A terrified, adrenaline filled me can outrun them.

I reach the front door and bound outside as quickly as my body will let me. I have only the clothes on my back, not even shoes, as there was no time to put any on, and I'm running down the street.

I run for a good half an hour before stopping to check if the men have followed me. Fortunately, they have not.
Now, the only question is, where do I go.

I sit down on the grass by the road and come to a disturbing realization.

I have nothing.

No home, no family, no possessions. I can not return, not if I want to live. Even then, nobody would miss me. Well... Minho might?

Oh my God! Minho!

It's a long shot, but he might take me in, even for a night. I'm pretty far from his place, but that'll give me some time to think.

I begin to walk to his apartment complex. I can't believe I'm doing this. Just this morning, I was near tears trying to leave, and now he's the only one I have to go to.

The thought is somehow ironic to me, and I laugh. It's pained and empty, but it's better than crying. I know for a fact that the second I see Minho, I'll likely burst into tears. But if he was being genuine like he claimed this morning, he might not be too upset by it.

I get to his street after what feels like hours, likely due to the fact that it's freezing, and I've only got on a t-shirt and jeans. The t-shirt, I now realize is torn in some places, the reason why makes me shiver in disgust.

I breath a sigh of relief when I make it to his door. I only hope that when I knock, salvation will be waiting for me on the other side.

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